Quickly Learn to Speak Greek for Free

With the rising cost of a college education, many language enthusiasts are seeking cheaper ways of studying a language. For students who are interested in studying Greek, there are many resources that can be found on the Internet or in other locations that can help them learn to speak Greek for free.

iTunes and the Internet: Two Prime Sources for a Free Educational

One of the best new places to learn to speak Greek is already on your computer. Within the iTunes program there is a section devoted to podcasts. Some of these podcasts can be used for free language learning and can be downloaded without any cost. One podcast is a part of the Radio Lingua Network and is called One Minute Greek. A quick download and the avid student can learn to speak enough Greek to get by on a holiday or business trip.

Another podcast on iTunes is “Learn Greek Vocabulary Fast” by Language Addicts. True to its name, this program approaches language learning with the “familiarize, recognize, memorize method” and can help students learn vocabulary quickly. Conjunctions, prepositions and other grammar vocabulary are covered in the three-part pod casts.

Two other websites can also help students learn to speak Greek at no cost. One of the websites is run by BBC languages. This Greek language website covers essential words, phrases, and vocabulary that are useful for a trip to Greece. The second website that can be helpful is Learn Greek Online and is run by Kypros Net. Learn Greek Online offers a free language dictionary, 105 different audio files to listen to and Greek study notes. It can be accessed without any charge and at any time on-line. The Internet is an excellent place to learn to speak ancient Greek or modern Greek.

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Making Use of the Library

Hearkening back to the days of snail mail, the library is another valuable tool in the study of languages. Although modern students may never consider it, the library is a great place for free manuals, how-tos and language guides. Books can be checked out for free at the local library and most contain language sections. For university students, their university library will undoubtedly contain books that are devoted to the study of Greek.

Learn to Speak Greek for Free with the Immersion Method

The ultimate place to learn to speak Greek is in Greece. Students can save on money and just spend time absorbing the Greek culture. Immersed in the world around them, students will learn the language the same way a child does. Without attending a school, the immersion method can still work wonders. Being surrounded by the language and listening to it everyday can help to cement new vocabulary in students’ minds and make learning come to life.

For those who lack the funds for a plane ticket, the other methods listed above work well. The Internet is an excellent resource for Greek vocabulary, grammar, and audio files. ITunes is also a great tool for the student who wants to learn Greek and pod casts from Greek language programs can all be downloaded quickly and easily.

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