Tell Tale Signs It’s Time to Change the Furnace Filter

Every homeowner with a furnace needs to know when and how to change the filter in their home. A clogged filter will not only cause the furnace to run harder, but it can make the people in the family feel sick, too, especially if there are people in the home with allergy issues. Today we’ll discuss how to tell when you need to change the furnace filter. Some of the signs it needs changed may surprise you.

How do I find the furnace filter?

Many new homeowners are simply unaware that the furnace filter even exists. If you fall into this category, don’t worry. It’s never too late! Every furnace is different, and there isn’t one location that every filter is located, and your model may require a different size filter than your neighbors. In general, though, you’ll find it somewhere near the air handler or blower. You can measure the size of yours filter when you remove it. If you have an older model furnace, it may be difficult to locate the filter, it may be kept inside a panel. When in doubt, have a professional come out and show you where it is.

Why do we have to change the furnace filter?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air we breathe indoors is five times more polluted than the air outdoors. That’s a staggering fact that only gets worse when the furnace filter becomes clogged with dirt, dust, pet dander, and other particles that flow through our indoor air. Regardless of how clean your home is, these small particles are present in every house. If you don’t change the furnace filter, it will continue to pile up on the filter, making it a strain on the furnace itself, and polluting the air inside the home even more. Changing the furnace filter is a quick and easy way to keep your furnace operating at its best, and clean up the air you breathe, too.

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Signs it’s time to change the furnace filter

Most filters will need to be changed every 90 days, however it may need to be done more often if you have pets. Here are a few signs that you need to do it:

– You hear your heating system kick on more often than you consider normal.
– Your home seems to be dustier than usual.
– When the unit comes on, you smell a dirty, dusty odor.
– Your nasal passages feel block, or you develop sores inside your nose.
– You see dust and/or dirt around air vents in the home.

If you’re still in doubt, there’s one sure fire way to know when you need to change the furnace filter. Head out to your home improvement store and pick up a furnace filter whistle. This little gadget costs $ 2.00, and is made of plastic. It snaps onto the filter itself and, when the filter needs replaced, the furnace filter whistle makes a high pitched sound, which lets you know it’s time.

By changing the furnace filter on a regular basis, you’ll enjoy cleaner air, lower your electric bill, and keep the furnace operating more efficiently.

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Source: Personal experience