Supplemental Nutrition for Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Wrinkles and fine lines are an inevitable part of aging. Skin becomes thinner and loses elasticity. Also, an increase in free radical production from years of exposure to the sun’s UV rays and environmental toxins contributes to drier, aging skin. Taking supplemental nutrition for wrinkles can help to slow the development of lines and creases on the face.

No supplement can act as a miracle cure for wrinkles, but the extra dose of nourishment and protection for the skin can certainly help to maintain a more youthful look. Take the right nutritional supplements to slow skin aging in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise and good skin care habits, and it is possible to preserve remarkably radiant skin. Consider including the following three supplements in your diet as part of your regimen for beautiful skin.

Black Currant Seed Oil to Heal and Soften

What does the skin require to remain supple? Plenty of essential fatty acids are an important part of any skin nourishing plan. Black currant seed supplements are ideal for preventing and reducing wrinkles. They contain essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid for skin healing and gamma-linolenic acid to help reduce skin inflammation. The extra nutrition from black currant seed oil is not only beneficial for wrinkles, but skin conditions such as eczema as well.

Vitamin C for New, Healthy Skin

Another of the most important nutrients for wrinkles is vitamin C, preferably with bioflavonoids. Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen, the protein that is found in all connective tissue. New collagen is important to promote skin elasticity.

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Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect skin cells from free radical damage. This nutrient also is useful because it strengthens the blood vessels underneath the skin that are bringing oxygen and nutrients to feed cells. Eat your berries, citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables for vitamin C, but also think about taking a supplement such as rose hips to ensure that you are getting plenty of this nutrient to help with wrinkles and fine lines.

Silica Supplements for More Supple Skin

Silica is another key nutrient when it comes to maintaining beautiful skin. This mineral encourages collagen formation, along with vitamin C. Making sure you are getting enough silica will help to promote supple, smooth skin. As the body ages, silica levels do decrease. Taking supplements may be a great option for slowing the effects of aging of the skin. Aside from supplementing with silica, oats, brown rice and bell peppers are all good sources.

Black currant seed oil, vitamin C and silica may all be helpful for aging skin. Consider a little supplemental nutrition for wrinkles to nourish and to preserve the health of the skin over the years. To be safe, always talk to your doctor before taking dietary supplements.

Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).
University of Maryland Medical Center