Super Skinny Me Weight Loss Program; Not U.K. Detox T.V. Program

The Super Skinny Me weight program is all about fat loss, not weight loss, according to the website Super Skinny Me. The weight management plan is designed to help “you drop fat, get toned, and look great – dressed or naked.”

Super Skinny Me is not the same as the crash, detox diet chronicled by two journalists in the U.K. The story of their journey into starvation has the same title, “Super Skinny Me,” but they did not follow the Super Skinny Me plan. The followed the Hollywood Master Cleanse Diet, also known as the Lemon Detox Diet. These are two entirely different programs.

According to Super Skinny Me, the key to weight loss and weight maintenance is to “trick” your body into thinking you are not dieting and boost your metabolism at the same time. Low calorie diets are known to slow down your body’s metabolism and throw your body into starvation mode. When your body is not taking in enough calories, it begins to burn less. Low calorie diets cut down your body’s internal thermostat. Once you begin eating again, your metabolism is still switched on low and the weight piles right back on.

Super Skinny Me introduces users to a five step program and encourages them to use this program to achieve the fat loss and body toning results they desire. The first step involves understanding your body type: fat retainer, athletic, or skinny. Understanding your body type and genetic heritage leads you to step two, which is eating the right kinds of calories for your body type.

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Step two of Super Skinny Me provides a calculator based on your height, weight, age, and activity level to determine the number of calories you should consume. To lose fat, the program then helps you figure out your target heart rate for a given workout. Knowing your target heart rate allows you to work in that zone for optimal results.

The next step takes into consideration calorie consumption. Super Skinny Me follows the age old advice that six small meals a day will boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, and keep you energized throughout the day.

Finally, Super Skinny Me addresses the need to exercise. The program emphasizes the importance of pushing yourself every day to work out in your optimal workout range. Exercise is the only way to tone muscles, thus avoiding the fat, skinny person syndrome.

For the most part, Super Skinny Me follows traditional models of thought regarding fat loss and body tone. The program doesn’t try to sale you any pills, liquid diets, or metabolism boosters. It offers suggestions for food intake and exercise, but focuses primarily on adjusting calorie intake and exercise to reach your optimal weight with a toned body.

Compare Super Skinny Me with the Master Cleanse Diet / Lemon Detox Diet to understand the differences in Super Skinny Me weight management program and “Super Skinny Me” the U.K. series. You can read about the Master Cleanse/Lemon Detox Diet by following this link.


McNamara, Mary. “‘Super Skinny Me’ isn’t Heavy.” LA Times

Super Skinny Me

UK Sunday Times Online