Super Nutrients for Your Hair!!!!

Just like our body,even our hair need nutrients for their nourishment.Below mentioned are some of the best nutrients for long and shining hair.

1. Zinc

One of the most popular hair loss prevention minerals is zinc. Studies show that severe deficiency of this mineral leads to baldness and other scalp problems. People with reduced or less-than-normal amounts of zinc in their bodies usually experience excessive hair fall and premature graying. This mineral is also valuable for minimizing the effects of stress which promotes excess DHT production.

As it’s, eating zinc-rich foods or taking a mineral supplement can effectively minimize hair fall. Some food sources rich in zinc include the following: wheat germ, egg yolks, spinach, whole grains, mushrooms, and red meat. However, care should be taken in eating these or taking supplements. A daily does of zinc over 12 mg can cause decreased iron absorption and anemia.

2. Biotin

A component of the B complex group, Biotin is often referred to a Vitamin H or hair vitamin. This is because it promotes hair growth while preventing loss. It metabolizes fatty acids which fuel the growth and repair of hair follicles, thus reducing breakages caused by DHT. It also staggers the premature aging of the hair strands by keeping them moisturized and nourished. Excellent sources of Biotin are cooked eggs, milk, liver, kidney, and yeast. Although no exact amount is pegged as the ideal dose of Biotin, its sources are high in fat which can cause other health problems.

3. Protein

Hair is almost 90% protein so it makes sense that this nutrient is among the top hair regrowth agent. Shampoos and conditioners list protein, or at least its derivatives, as their main ingredients. But protein does not boost hair regrowth, it only strengthens the strands to help them endure combing, styling, and heat exposure — added stress which aggravates DHT production. With its ability to increase strand thickness by as much as 45%, protein, in regulated amounts, is the most common solution to thinning hair. Common sources for this nutrient include red meat, legumes, milk, and eggs.

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As good as protein is for your hair, it needs to be taken carefully because excesses of this nutrient promotes fat intake and dehydration. Increased fatty acids can boost oil production in the scalp which can block and weaken hair follicles. Likewise, dehydration will cause hair to become brittle and dry.

4. Vitamin A

Retinol, carotenoid, or carotene — this terms only mean one thing: Vitamin A. Unknown to many, this popular vision enhancer is also our hair’s best friend. It’s an antioxidant that promotes healthy sebum production in your scalp. It allows your hair to produce just the right amount of oil to moisturize the strands but not too much that it blocks the pores in your scalp. Normal sebum production is equal to less chances of DHT damage. Sources for this vitamin includes yellow or orange vegetables, leafy greens, milk, fish oils, and meat. However, doses exceeding the daily requirement of 2,500 IU can be toxic and cause health problems.

5. Vitamin E

Since blood circulation aids in hair growth, an antioxidant which promotes this is necessary. Vitamin E works well for this even though it’s more popular as an anti-aging nutrient. Aside from promoting healthy blood flow, Vitamin E also reduces the appearance of graying hair , another effect of DHT, hence, making you look young and your hair, thick. Cold-processed vegetable oils, soybeans, leafy greens, dried beans, and nuts are excellent sources of this nutrient. As good as it’s, you should be careful in consuming E-rich foods since it can increase high blood pressure. The recommended dose for this one is 400