Preventing Hair Loss: Vitamins and Minerals for Better Hair Growth

Nutritional substances have beneficial effects on hair health and can re-establish hair growth on once bald sections of the head. Studies of the nutritional habits of people who have beautiful hair, that are not generally subject to baldness or graying hair, revealed these people’s diet to be rich in whole grains and beans, fresh vegetables and fruits, and very low consumption of animal and vegetable proteins. Analysis of the nutritional value, vitamin, and mineral properties of their diet produced helpful information. The vitamins and minerals contained in their diet have been demonstrated to be extremely important for hair and shown to have hair-growth-promoting properties. Pressures on blood capillaries impair blood supply in the hair roots. Vitamin and mineral supplementation improves blood flow to this area resulting in more vigorous hair growth. Following is a list of healthful hair-growth-promoting supplement information.

Healthy Hair Vitamins:

Vitamin A – Antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Food sources: Fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apricots and peaches. Recommended Daily Dose: 5,000 IU. Warnings: More than 25,000 IU daily is toxic and can cause hair loss and other serious health problems.

Vitamin C – Antioxidant that helps maintain skin & hair health. Food sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and dark green vegetables. Recommended Daily Dose: 60 mg.

Vitamin E – Antioxidant that enhances scalp circulation. Food sources: Cold-pressed vegetable oils, wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds and nuts, dried beans, and leafy green vegetables. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 400 IU. Warnings: Can raise blood pressure and reduce blood clotting. People taking high blood pressure medication or anticoagulants should check with their doctors before taking Vitamin E supplements.

Biotin – Helps produce keratin, may prevent graying and hair loss. Food sources: Brewer’s yeast, whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice and milk. Recommended Daily Dose: 150-300 mcg.

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Inositol – Keeps hair follicles healthy at the cellular level. Food sources: Whole grains, brewer’s yeast, liver and citrus fruits. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 600 mg.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Promotes scalp circulation. Food sources: Brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat. Recommended Daily Dose: 15 mg. Warnings: Taking more than 25 mg a day can result in “niacin flush” – a temporary heat sensation due to blood cell dilatation.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) – Prevents graying and hair loss. Food sources: Whole grain cereals, brewer’s yeast, organ meats and egg yolks. Recommended Daily Dose: 4-7 mg.

Vitamin B6 – Prevents hair loss, helps create melatonin, which gives hair its color. Food sources: Brewer’s yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organic meats and egg yolk. Recommended Daily Dose: 1.6 mg. Warnings: High doses can cause numbness in hands and feet.

Vitamin B12 – Prevents hair loss. Food sources: Chicken, fish, eggs and milk. Recommended Daily Dose: 2 mg.

Increasing the blood supply to the hair roots though improved nutrition is the objective of this information. There are other ways too stimulate increased blood flow to the hair roots, however, improved nutrition with vitamin and mineral supplementation is one of the most successful ways. Good nutrition is vital to healthy hair growth, just as it’s essential to overall good physical health. Your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to maintain proper body functions, included within that group are several supplements that are specific to hair growth and health. Following is the healthy hair-growth-promoting mineral list.

Healthy Hair Minerals:

Calcium – Essential for healthy hair growth. Food sources: Dairy, tofu, fish, nuts, brewer’s yeast, beans, lentils and sesame seeds. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 1,500 mg. Warnings: Too much calcium can inhibit the absorption of zinc and iron; an acid found in chocolate can inhibit calcium absorption.

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Chromium – Helps prevent hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, both of which can cause hair loss.. Food sources: Brewer’s yeast, liver, beef and whole wheat bread. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 120 mg. Warnings: People who are allergic to yeast should not take chromium supplements.

Copper – Helps prevent hair loss as well as defects in hair color and structure. Food sources: Shellfish, liver, green vegetables, whole grains, eggs, chicken and beans. Recommended Daily Dose: Up to 3 mg. Warnings: High levels can lead to dry hair, hair loss and severe health problems.

Iodine – Helps regulate thyroid hormones and prevents dry hair and hair loss. Food sources: Fish, seaweed, kelp, iodized salt, garlic. Recommended Daily Dose: 150 mcg.

Iron – Prevents anemia and hair loss. Food sources: Liver, eggs, fish, chicken, whole grains, green vegetables and dried fruits. Recommended Daily Dose: 15 mg. Warnings: Too much can lead to malfunctions of the liver and spleen.

Magnesium – Works with calcium to promote healthy hair growth. Food sources: Green vegetables, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts, soy beans, chickpeas and fish. Recommended Daily Dose: 280 mg.

Manganese – Prevents slow hair growth. Food sources: Whole grain cereals, eggs, avocados, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, fish, meat and chicken. Recommended Daily Dose: 3-9 mg.

Potassium – Regulates circulation and promotes healthy hair growth. Food sources: Avocados, bananas, lima beans, brown rice, dates, figs, dried fruit, garlic, nuts, potatoes, raisins, yams and yogurt. Recommended Daily Dose: 3,500 mg.

Selenium – Keeps skin and scalp supple and elastic. Food sources: Brewer’s yeast, meat, fish, grains, tuna and broccoli. Recommended Daily Dose: 55 mcg. Warnings: An excess of Selenium can be toxic, leading to the loss of hair, nails and teeth.

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Silica – Strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. Food sources: Seafood, rice, soybeans, green vegetables. Recommended Daily Dose: 55 mcg. Warnings: An excess of Selenium can be toxic, leading to the loss of hair, nails and teeth.

Sulfur (methyl-sulfonyl-methane or MSM) – Sulfur is a main component to hair’s structure. Food sources: Onions, garlic, eggs, asparagus, meat, fish and dairy products. Recommended Daily Dose: 1-3 g.

Zinc – Zinc and Vitamin A work together; a deficiency in either can lead to dry hair and oily skin. Food sources: Spinach, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, whole grains, red meat and brewer’s yeast. Recommended Daily Dose: 12 mg. Warnings: Too much can interfere with iron absorption.

If you would like to start a program of feeding your hair from within by improving your nutrition, then follow the optimum diet food source information included in the descriptions listed above. It calls for natural food products that are extremely rich in hair-growth-promoting minerals, vitamins, trace elements and natural oils. This diet of natural seeds, kelp, yeast, and wheat germ, all known health builders, is bound to improve your general health, which will include your hair’s health. It generally takes about 2 to 3 months before you begin to see changes in your hair’s condition. Patience and consistency is very important. If you have health concerns, it is important to consult with your family physician before beginning this hair growth vitamin and mineral program.