Summer Zoo Camps in Colorado

Summer zoo camps in Colorado can add a nice change to the summer schedule you and your children are planning. Of course Colorado is one state where summer vacation attractions and outdoor activities for summertime are most plentiful. But with all the time you might put in on the mountains, in the forests or on the water, your kids might actually appreciate a chance to change it up a little bit and get involved for a week or more at one of these summer zoo camps in Colorado.

Cheyenne Zoo Camp, Colorado Springs, Colorado After running a zoo camp for 10 years, the staff at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs Colorado seem to have the concept down to a fine science. They open their zoo throughout the summer to children ages 5-15 and divide the kids into age alike groups of no more than 15 campers so that everyone gets a chance to be someone. During their stay at summer zoo camp kids get lots of chances to see animals up close, to talk and ask questions of professional zoo keepers, spend time in the out of doors, enjoy animal centered games and crafts, even prepare snacks for the animals. This is an opportunity for young people to extend their knowledge of animals and their habitats but it is also meant to be a place to just plain have fun. To help make camp work for parents the Cheyenne Zoo Camp offers pre and post camp extended day programs. There are also a variety of camp options including a session with an overnight included and half day sessions.

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For older kids from 13-18 there is a volunteer CIT program . For teens who love the zoo experience and who enjoy sharing that experience with younger kids this can be a great summer option. For more information about the many programs offered at the Cheyenne Mountain zoo this summer call at 719-633-9925

Denver Zoo Camp, Denver, Colorado They call their summer zoo camp at the Denver Zoo a Summer Safari and they refer to campers as “Zooper Heroes. It’s all part of the positive spirit that fills the Denver Zoo when the summer zoo camp is in full swing. Kids come here to do what they like to do best – be around animals. The zoo camp at the Denver Zoo offers such young animal lovers a chance to get to know animals and their habitats through a combination of zoo tours, hands on experiences, games, crafts, stories and zoo projects. All campers get daily healthy snacks and a camp t-shirt to remind them of the fun they had.

The camp is opened to children from pre-school to Grade 5 . For family convenience there is extended day care before and after camp sessions. Full day campers also have the option of bringing a bag lunch or purchasing lunches for the week from Summer Safari. Half day programs for pre-schoolers is $135 per week and full day sessions cost $235. Fees for both camps are slightly more for non-members of the Denver Zoo. For answers to your questions or to register call 303-376-4888

Pueblo Zoo, Pueblo, Colorado Pueblo Zoo in Pueblo Colorado has not yet reached the point where it is prepared to offer a full summer of camp activities. Still the zoo has an interest in attracting young animal lovers to its grounds during the summer months when visiting can be the most comfortable and fun. During the summer of 2008 the Pueblo Zoo is offering two special programs that are likely to attract attention and draw families with young children to the zoo, one extra time.

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Some young people will look forward to the summer activity called Froggy Friday. This event is scheduled for Friday, June 27 beginning at 10 a.m. and is meant to instruct children in a greater awareness of amphibian life and the importance of conservation efforts on their behalf. Activities will focus on the zoos collection of amphibians, especially toads and frogs. Not a fan of frogs and toads, then try your luck with another special event delightfully named ” Turtle Tuesday”. From 11 .m.- 2 p.m. kids will have some up close and personal time with the Pueblo Zoos collection of turtles and tortoises, so make July 15, 2008 on your calendar.

The Pueblo Zoo has some 400 animals to view and getting your kids there for these two special events may lead you and your kids to greater interest in the rest of the many inhabitants of the Pueblo Zoo in Pueblo, Colorado. To get more information about these special programs by calling 561-1452 at ext.125.
