Successful Deer Hunting Techniques

Here are some successful deer hunting techniques that any hunter can use. These techniques will work for deer hunting in different situations throughout the hunting season. A hunter that is able to use different techniques to hunt deer will be able to more successfully adapt their hunting methods for success.

Successful Deer Hunting Techniques – Hunt Water

During droughts or in areas where water sources are scarce, hunting over water can be a very productive way to hunt. Deer know that they are vulnerable at water holes, those hunting trophy bucks will need to set up away from the water along trails and preferably near cover. Be on stand well before daylight and stay late to avoid spooking bucks that are making runs to the water under the cover of darkness.

Successful Deer Hunting Techniques – Hunt Food

Hunting over food sources whether an agricultural planting or a natural food is another productive way to deer hunt. Again, older bucks are unlikely to stroll out into the open to feed during daylight hours, but they will be nearby especially during the rut when does are present. Hunters should be positioned to watch travel areas from bedding areas to food sources.

Successful Deer Hunting Techniques – Hunt Bedding Areas

Hunting an old buck in its bedding area can be a difficult task, but when hunting pressure is high there may be little choice as many bucks will simply go nocturnal and move very little throughout the day. Again, it is key to get to these areas early and stay late to avoid jumping the buck out of its daytime bed. Using a doe bleat call and or rattling can help to lure a buck out of the bedding area.

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Successful Deer Hunting Techniques – Drive Deer

Driving deer is popular in the South, but can be used effectively in any deer hunting situation. Basically hunters work in a group with some members standing on likely escape paths and the other hunters walking through the woods to push the deer toward the standers. Two hunters can drive deer by walking toward each other on opposite sides of a valley or by walking hillsides parallel and hoping to catch deer avoiding the other hunter. One hunter can even drive deer to himself by approaching likely bedding areas where the escape routes can be seen.

Successful Deer Hunting Techniques – Still Hunting

Still hunting is a difficult method of hunting but with practice can be very successful. It is easiest to still hunting in a slight rain or fresh fallen snow when walking in the woods is quietest. The hunter simply moves through the woods quietly and slowly and attempts to spot deer before they spot him. Cutting across rough terrain allows a still hunter to quietly approach the tops of hills and look for bedded deer. Deer that are jumped might also be seen escaping and the hunter may get a shot.

There are many other techniques for hunting deer, but these are some of the most common. Learn to use these techniques and when they work best in your area and you are likely to have a freezer full of meat when deer season ends.