Stunning Wine and Liquor Goblets and Snifters – Cheap

I quit looking at fancy goblets a long time ago. I’m simply not in a tax bracket where I can pay a couple of hundred bucks for four glasses. Are you? If not, take the cheap way out, and make your own wine and liquor goblets. It’s so easy to do that you’ll wonder why you don’t already have a bunch of them. Once you start making them, and having fun designing them, you’ll have special goblets for wine and other alcoholic beverages.

Do you ever go to yard sales and flea markets and see those heavy glass candlesticks? You might get lucky and get real crystal, or you might get cheap glass, but they’re all beautiful. Unless you’re a crystal expert you can’t tell the difference. Buy cheap, glass candlesticks at a secondhand place, or buy them new. When you shop at dollar-theme stores you can usually find them very cheap.

In addition to the glass candlesticks you’ll need an assortment of small glasses. Juice glasses work well, as do other small, real-glass glasses. For a snifter-type arrangement, use a small glass bowl instead of a glass. When you shop online or locally you can find the perfect adhesive for the new glassware. If the adhesive is waterproof, and works for glass, that’s what you need. Glue one glass or bowl to each glass candlestick.

You can make the goblets much more impressive by doing any number of embellishment crafts. One thing you can do is to tip the glass, around the bottom of the candlestick, with a gold paint marker. Since it contains real paint the accents will last for a long time. Use a marker to draw a design on the outside of the glass (tape a stencil inside), or make a monogram on each goblet. Another thing you can do to embellish is to purchase metallic sewing trim. If the adhesive you’re using is also good for metal you can simply wrap the sewing trim around the glass, and attach it.

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Nice wine and liquor goblets are very expensive but, when you make them yourself, you can create a beautiful set much cheaper than buying them. Try combining different candlesticks with various glasses and bowls to create assorted sets. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised when you serve drinks on a special occasion.


