Student ID Badges

Could using student ID badges be a better link to their safety and security while in a public school.

Over several years of teaching and overseeing children, I believe the use and enforcement of ID badges would only encourage a more safe environment for a child while in the school.

According to a report by: Queen’s University; Campus Security.

“20 people are murdered at work every week in the USA. Workplace homicides are the leading cause of death for women in the workplace and the second leading cause of death for men in the workplace. The incidence of workplace homicides in Canada is much less, but the reported incidence of other forms of violence is higher.

60% of homicides are committed by strangers to the workplace; 30% by clients and 10% by employees. However, strangers commit only 24% of other types of workplace violence, while clients commit 44% and employees commit 30%.”

If the work place implements and enforces the use of ID Badges, then why not the public middle schools and high schools?

In another article by:

Post the Columbine shootings: One of their stratigies stated that they now use:

In today’s world access control has become a major part of school security. Since the mid 90’s schools have started to take an active role against unauthorized personnel. These trespassers can include a school’s own suspended students, students from rival schools, irate parents, gang members, or local drug dealers. Many times these individuals try to interfere with daily school activities and procedures and may be subject to arrest. Methods of combating illegal school access include student and faculty IDs, visitor identification tags, vehicle parking permits, and proper dress for students and faculty. This would make visitors stand out from other persons on school grounds.”

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Also, according to :York County School Statistics

“A recent study the authors conducted of high schools in York County, Pennsylvania, showed a positive use of school security approaches. The first part of the study showed that 60% of the schools have cameras installed either inside or outside the premises. All fifteen high schools in the county had an access control point with locked doors and visitor ID badges in use.”

Below, is a statement from the same article about their findings.

“When comparing the statistics from the 96-97 school year to 01-02 school year, there was a noticeable decrease of violence within the schools (State). The authors’ recent study clearly shows that the dramatic decrease in school violence can be attributed to the change in the approach to school safety.”

What does this all mean? School adminstraters and Parents have the power to enforce more stringent safety rules and codes to live by.

When I go to a school and witness that the first few weeks of school ID badges are given to every student and staff member and then shortly there after, they are no longer being worn and it seems like no one cares… What is up with that?

I have seen students sent home because of improper dress, so why don’t some schools adhere to more stringent rules concerning a student always carrying their ID’s?

Most schools implement “Lock down” procedures for an added safety measure.

I consider an ID badge a beginning to not only school safety, but also it would really be a great time saver for swiping it on a machine when a child enters the building, for checked out books, for free lunch programs, for safely logging in attendance and grades.

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Lost ID badges are not an excuse for not implementing the use of them.

It may be a bit costly to do the latter of what I mentioned, but it will be well worth it in the long run!!!