Review of the Conair Facial Sauna System

Very rarely do I buy into gimmicky products which appear to do very basic things. But when it comes to products revolving around health and beauty, I have something of a soft spot. At any rate, upon perusing some sale circulars in the newspaper, I ran across this little beauty: the Conair Facial Sauna. I must admit that the name sounded a bit hokey at first. But once I realized what this little machine could do, it became more and more attractive to me. I promptly put it on my Secret Santa Wish List. And wouldn’t you know it-Santa brought me what I asked for…


The Conair Facial Sauna System is essentially a compact “steamer.” The bottom of the device has a small area which is to be filled with water. This particular product comes with two cones: a wide necked one for facial steaming and a narrower one for the opening of nasal and sinus passages. The unit, which costs under $30, also comes with a battery operated hand-held facial scrubber. The hand-held portion has two detachable heads. One is an exfoliation brush. The other is a sponge for applying moisturizer.

The Sauna system’s primary purpose is to help unclog pores, which ultimately prevents acne breakouts and other skin maladies. The premise is fairly simple: Use the Conair Sauna’s steam to open up the pores, remove excess dirt and oil, and then close pores again with a dash of cool water. These same principles are used in health and beauty spas. But Conair decided to simplify the concept into one little unit.

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One reason why I tend to shy away from gimmicky devices is because they are rarely as easy to use as it seems on television. At first I believed that the Conair Facial Sauna was no different. With the attachments, cones, and instructions, I figured that I might have some trouble using the equipment correctly.

Upon unveiling the machine, I saw that there are not many controls. There is an on/off switch and a timer. The simplicity of the device was definitely to my liking. The instructions advised that I should fill the small metal compartment (in the base) with water—and then turn the machine on. It was just that easy. The Conair spa also gives you the option of setting a timer, though you can use the machine without doing so. Additionally, I liked that there is a safety shut-off mechanism built in. As I have a habit of leaving the iron on, I would hate for this little piece of equipment to serve as the catalyst in a calamitous house fire.

After following the instructions on how to get the device to work, I added the water, and waited the obligatory three minutes for the Conair to heat up and do its thing. The rest was easy. I placed my face over the wide end of the facial cone and let the mechanism do its job.


The same skepticism that applies to 95% of all new contraptions I see advertised on television, I applied to the Conair Facial Spa. I wondered how a $25 device could possibly do more for me than my “free” steamy shower at home. The truth is that the Conair’s angled cones allow for a more direct application of steam to the entire face. Furthemore, the heat is not overpowering. And I found that the more I sat there with my face hovering over the machine, the better it felt.

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It is also mentioned that to intensify the effects of the sauna, one may drape a towel over the head to further capture more of the steam. This, I also tried-and found that it works just as well, if not better. You’ll have to clean your face thoroughly before you begin. There is nothing worse than a steamy sweaty face that is dripping melted foundation make-up onto your new Conair Facial Sauna. Following an initial scrub, you’re free to take in all that wonderful steam.

The attachments, I will admit, I found a bit awkward to use. The rotating brush is a nice concept. And it works rather well. But I am a bit apprehensive about how the brush’s bristles will look after several scrubbings with my favorite exfoliating cream. I have not used the sponge applicator attachment, as I have not figured out whether or not I really need to use it.

After about a 5-minute steam, I will say that the effects are exactly as what is implied in the packaging. My skin truly did feel rejuvenated. The concentration of steam on the face seems to work much better than standing in a hot shower. I enjoy the idea of knowing that I can have a nice exhilarating facial without having to spend money at a salon. Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the device was to use. All you have to do is fill it with water and turn it on. Because the machine does not use any other chemicals, it remains fairly clean, which allows for easy maintenance. I would certainly recommend this device for anyone who wears make-up regularly, is prone to facial break-outs, or who occasionally has sinus trouble. The power of steam is wonderful.

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