Spare Children This Pain!! It’s Called Nurse Maid’s Elbow & it CAN Be Avoided!!

The Diagnosis

The doctor sat down with us and explained what had happened to my baby. He said this is very common in kids from ages 1 to 3. It is basically a dislocated elbow, but it is also commonly called nurse maid’s elbow. What this means is, the radius (bone in the arm that ends/joints in the elbow) becomes abnormally positioned beneath the ligament around the elbow.

I know now that this can happen very easily, and unintentionally. If you have a child between ages 1 and 3, PLEASE be careful with them! You can avoid them going through this pain and the scare of it all.

NOTE: This is a very common occurrence with 1 to 3 year olds because the ligaments around a baby’s elbows are not as strong as an older child’s or adult’s. The risk of dislocating the elbow greatly decreases after age 5 and 6.

Here is some information that may help you (wish I’d known all this before last night!):

– Pulling child by hand or wrist
– Lifting child by hand or wrist

For example: Obviously picking up a child by a hand or wrist can cause it, but think about this…sometimes when I am holding my son’s hand, he may fall or intentionally drop to the floor (like if he’s mad) and then he’s dangling by his hand. THIS can also cause the elbow to dislocate.

Sometimes when we go out, my husband and I will each hold one of Tyler’s hands. While walking we may come to a step and we will both lift him up by his hands onto the step saying “Wheeee”…well not anymore! This is putting strain on the elbows too and can cause dislocation.

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– Immediate crying
– Arm/elbow pain
– Refuses to use arm
– Arm rests against side/abdomen very still
– Can move shoulder

You will know if something is wrong with your child, and if these are the symptoms, it could be nurse maid’s elbow.

Treatment should be administered by a Doctor or Healthcare Professional. DO NOT attempt to relocate the elbow by yourself! It could result in permanent damage or cut off of blood flow to the lower arm. A doctor will relocate the elbow, which takes only a few seconds.

If treatment is not given promptly, it can result in permanent inability to extend the elbow.

If this does happen to your child, you must be extra careful for 2 to 3 weeks after it has been corrected, as it is much easier for this to reoccur after it has happened one time.

After the doctor relocated my son’s elbow, he was FINE! You’d never know anything was even wrong with him! No soreness, no pain, no nothing. He is completely back to normal, and did not require any medication or treatment after the relocation. This was a blessing, but I hate that he went through this at all.

– Lift child UNDER THE ARMS (under armpits)
– Lift child by gripping the upper arms (both at same time)
– DO NOT pull, lift or “tug” on child’s hands or wrists!

This was a scary ordeal for all of us, especially my son. The doctor said that “yes he was in pain”, but a child will also cry because of the frustration of not being able to move or use the arm. I know now how to prevent this, and I will be so very careful from now on. I never realized this could happen at all, but I surely didn’t realize how EASILY it could happen!

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If you have a little one, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful how you pick them up and/or lift them for any reason! This CAN be avoided!