Soothe an Aching Stomach at Home

There’s nothing like an annoying stomach ache that won’t go away, right? Is it something you ate? Didn’t check the expiration date on that milk? Maybe something more serious? Depending on your situation or not it might be recommended to head to your doctor and checked up right away. If it’s not too serious and you know it then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve researched various methods of stomach aches from different people. Here are some home made remedies for soothing a hurting stomach with comments and recommendations by me.

Researched first hand from, I’ve found a few different methods of helping others with their pains. Keep in mind that these are not my ideas but my recommendations that I’ve tried out along with comments about how effective or troublesome these methods are.

WARNING: These methods were tested first hand by me and my friends, attempt at your own risk and remember, everyone’s stomach aches are different! If you rely on these suggestions then make sure you’re not dying first!

Submitted by Kathy at 2010-04-24

“I know this is going to sounds gross, but it works! Put baking powder in a glass of water and drink it ALL! Even if it taste gross, you still have to drink it! After you drink it, if you feel your stomach rumbling, that means that the baking powder is cleaning your stomach! You may even sometimes have to make gas, that’s a good thing! Hope it works! 🙂 ”

This method may seem a bit weird to start off with but that’s why it caught my attention. After reading this suggestion I took it upon myself to research the effects that baking powder will have on the human body. Too much of anything will certainly result in some negative results, but downing a cup of baking powder essentially won’t have any harm on our bodies. The main ingredient in baking powder is baking soda. From my understanding baking soda is usually taken by people to aid with acid digestion. So eating some to soothe your stomach pains might work.

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Submitted by Anonymous at 2009-09-24

“I get stomach troubles when I become anxious, which is common. For me ginger works well for stomach aches and mild acid reflux. You can either chew a small piece of ginger root or buy some ginger tea. Just be sure that the tea you buy has only ginger and not other things that may just aggravate it. ”

If you constantly have stomach aches and you know it’s not caused by any food you ate, anxiety could be your case. It’s very common in humans to feel nervous or impatience when doing daily normal tasks like going to work or asking someone out on a date. If you find yourself in stomach pains think about your daily activities. Do you constantly put yourself in situations like these or something similar? The ginger, as suggested in the method above, is very high in oil and wonderful for reducing gases and bloating in the intestines. Another very good method!

Submitted by raisin at 2009-07-25

“drink sprite if it doesn’t work try putting something warm on the stomach ache area, or you could try both. Sprite does the thing”

One of the more simpler methods going around today, drinking sprite is said to act as a sort of panacea for all of today’s sicknesses! Please don’t make sprite your next remedy for curing your illnesses! But, in fact Sprite, for some people, actually ease stomach pains. How you ask? Well sprite is a carbonated drink. Most carbonation in the stomach will most likely cause the user to burp and release some kind of gas pressures from your stomach. Relief from bloating is the main help you’ll get from sprite.

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Submitted by Hayley at 2008-12-23

“Boil some water till it’s steamy. Pour 2 tbls. of honey and the juice of 1 lemon wedge into a mug. Add the hot water and stir. Drink this to help with a stomach ache. It helps, I’ve tried it. You can also try this trick with mint tea if you’d like some more flavor to it.

A great method for minor pains, ingesting hot liquids surely does have an effect for stomach pains. The method above is recommended but for casual users the most common version is to boil hot water while adding some lemon to it. The hot water in your tummy should help flush the stomach and the lemon will aid digest the food that probably caused the ache.

NOTE: These methods have been tested by myself and a few others and it seemed to work fine, we’re not dead yet!. Don’t rely on these methods for your serious pains! I hope these methods help you and good luck!