Sons of Anarchy,Season 4 Episode 7

What a difference a day makes, or not. Things in Charming never seem to go smoothly or without consequences for that matter. In the opening scene you see Tara and Gemma as the note is discovered that Unser left in her car at the end of last weeks episode. Tara wants to call the police but Gemma convinces her otherwise, and Jax is called to make him aware of the situation. Jax is with the rest of the crew meeting up with Alvarez and the Mayans. Just as Jax tells them he needs to leave because he needs to get to Tara, they all decide to leave. Alvarez and his crew see them out and are shot at with Alvarez being hit in the shoulder. Jax goes after the gunman and the rest of the club head back to the clubhouse to go deal with the new situation at hand and to have Alvarez patched up.

Tara and Gemma are met by a couple of the guys to escort them to the clubhouse. Upon their arrival they are met with the guys and Mayans in tow. She quickly starts to do surgery on his shoulder and Jax calls to update the club on the situation. As they are planning their next course of action she continues to operate but is stopped to go talk to the sherriff. When she goes out to speak to him he asks her about the death threat but she reveals nothing is wrong and he takes Juice to go and take a random drug test ordered by his probation officer. She finishes the operation and quickly goes out to talk to Gemma to find out if she knew about them dealing with the Cartel and if she knew there were drugs involved.

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Bobby, Clay, Chibs, Opie and Jax along with a couple of others go into the apartment that Jax followed the gunman to. When they enter they find the gunman and another man along with a few women and children. They were questioned and one of the women were shot. It wasn’t what they had assumed it to be and they went back to the clubhouse. When they arrived back Gemma told Jax that Tara knew about the cartel and the drugs. He went into the apartment to talk with her. She let him know in no uncertain terms that Clay could not be trusted. It was during this time that Opie was told to get Lyla and bring her to the clubhouse for safety. They tried to get ahold of Piney too but he wasn’t able to be reached. Opie visited Lyla at work and told her to pick up Piper and go to the clubhouse and he would be sending a prospect after her.

Juice went for his ‘drug test’ and while he was there Sherriff Roosevelt tells him that he needs the sample that he was supposed to lift from the shipment. Juice tells him that he will not bring it until he can meet ‘the shot caller’. Potter makes it clear that he cannot compromise who he is until he gets the sample and has it tested. He convinces Roosevelt to tell Juice that he can meet with him after they receive the sample and he gets it to go meet with them. Juice gets the sample and goes to meet Roosevelt, when he received the sample the promptly put him in handcuffs and took him to the station. After a talk he was released and he went back to the clubhouse. He doesn’t say anything on his way in and Chibs is starting to worry about him and goes to talk to Clay about it. Clay asked him to send Juice in.

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Clay and Juice went into the ‘church’ to have a private meeting of their own where Clay promoted him in ranks in the club giving him a new patch. He told Clay that he would move forward and not let the things that he is asked to do get to him because not many men could do it. Clay then told him to go back to the warehouse to watch the shipment they were preparing. He left and the remainder of the club went in to have ‘church’. It was at this time that Bobby said he wanted a vote with Clay retorting quickly that it was too late to vote on the Cartel it was a done deal. It was then that Bobby made it clear that he did not agree with Clay’s actions as of late and wanted to vote in a new President. He ordered for Juice and Piney to be contacted so they could hold a vote later in the night.

A few minutes after the meeting Jax and Opie head to his house because Lyla managed to lost eh prospect and not return with him. When they arrived at his house he realized she had gathered her things and left him. When they arrived back at the clubhouse they find out that Piney cannot be reached and neither can Juice. Clay is also told that Juice never made it back to the warehouse. We of course could see where Juice was. We saw him put the patch on his vest and then he proceeded to hang himself with a chain from a tree in a location unknown. As the screen faded to black we were able to hear the tree branch break and what we could assume to be Juice’s body fall. What will come of him now, and will he be found. If he is by who and will it be in time to save his life?