Some Tips for Dealing with the Allergy Nose

Spring has finally sprung. With it, for many, comes spring allergies. I am a sufferer of spring and all year long allergies. I also have many of the symptoms.

First, lets look at the most annoying of all my allergy problems, the stuffy nose. When you first hear the term stuffy nose, you may not realize just how annoying and painful this is. You may not also realize that a stuffy nose can lead to other problems, like a major headaches such as migraines. Of course, I realize all of this because I have been suffering from allergies that can cause the condition of a stuffy nose.

What causes the stuffy nose? I breathe in allergies. What kind of allergies? According to my allergist and an allergy test (a skin patch test) many different things such as: pollen, many grasses, household dust mites (those lovely little creatures we can’t see) and some smoke. I am also am allergic to trees. Now I will inform you that I live in the country, my home is surrounded my trees of all kinds and no moving is not an option. I help take care of my mother who lives next door. Plus, I love the country, even though it makes me sick.

Now what happens when I come into contact with these allergies? Again, I will stick to the stuffy nose dilemma. This is what my allergist told me. I inhale the allergies (even when I am unaware of it). The allergy is now in my system. My nerves becomes unhappy, especially the endings of my nerves. My nose becomes unhappy. Congestion starts to form. Breathing through it because harder. Now not enough oxygen enters my brain. (not a very good condition). Don’t forget those nerves and nerve endings they are still angry and unhappy. The nerves along with the lack of normal oxygen levels create the headache, which can worsen into a migraine. I can take something to get rid of the allergen from my system, but the headache could remain for hours or days, depending on what it chooses to do. Headaches do what they want. Of course, I am putting this is simple terms. My allergist used fancier, doctor language when he described the process.

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Almost every time my congested, stuffy nose lasts for a period of time, I get a headache. These headaches frequently turn into migraines, if I don’t treat them. How do I treat them? First, I tackle my stuffy nose.

1. I avoid allergens. I can’t stay completely away from them because like I said, I live in the country. But when it is windy, I stay inside more. I also try to keep my house as dust free as possible.

2. I love nose sprays. They work the best. My favorite is a four in one spray. It helps the nasal congestion, the swollen nasal membranes, the congestion and the pressure. But be warned. You should only use these for about 3 days straight. They do have a rebound effect. They cause severe dryness to the nose and the nasal membranes and this feels horrible.

3. Warm or cold? People like both of these. I will sometimes take a warm cloth and place it on my face, sinus area. It is a fast relief. But my favorite is cool gel packs. I keep these in my refrigerator. I have the ones that look like eye masks that have Velcro fasteners.

4. Pain pills. These will help the pain from the headache. But not the congestion.

5. Allergy pills? There are dozens of these. I haven’t really found one that will work all the time. Many have given me relief in the short term. But then I must build up a tolerance to them.

6. Allergy sprays that will build up a resistance to allergies. Yes, there are few of these even over the counter now. But these are like the allergy pills for me. They work for a short while, but I have yet to find one that will help in the long term (not that you won’t. We all are different. Our allergies are different, too).

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7. Steam baths or the like. Yes, many people find that steam or adding things into water and thus creating a vapor bath helps. You can even do the old fashion trick. Put a pan of water on the stove, add some Vicks to it and boil. It helps a lot of people. My husband does this for colds and congestions. It will help me for about five minutes. Plus, I hate the steam in my face.

8. Lavender oil. I love the smell of lavender. If you do this, try buying it in its essential form. Then rub into on your forehead or cheeks. Be careful not to get it into your eyes and never put it into your nose. You can even sprinkle the oil onto a tissue and put the tissue in your pillow case. (Lavender also is known for having a calming effect and helping one to sleep).

9. Eating mint candy. The mint will open your sinuses for a while. Hot foods will also work. (peppers could be the stuffy nose best friend).

10. Brushing your teeth. Yes, that minty fresh toothpaste can help for a short while. It can also make your feel more refreshed.

I haven’t found many things that will help my stuffy nose. I hate wearing those face masks they suggest you wear when vacuuming or gardening. But I also hate headaches. What is a girl to do? Maybe I should consider living in a glass house or a plastic bubble. Now that is an idea. I have often told people this is what I need to do. But I would have to have fresh filtered oxygen pumped in everyday. Then went I got lonely, guess I would have to wear a special made suit and carry that oxygen around with me. What a horrible thought.

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Guess I’ll live with the headaches.