Foods Known to Cause Migraines

Can certain foods cause migraines? Absolutely! Diet has an influence on all health conditions and diseases including migraines. Certain foods are particularly influential in developing migraine headaches. Unfortunately, foods known to cause migraines in one individual may not influence another at all. Try eliminating these foods and food ingredients from the diet one at a time. This will help determine which foods cause migraines for you.


We Americans love our coffee and caffeine filled soda pop. Unfortunately we have become dependent on caffeine to keep us awake and alert. When we consume caffeine it produces a change in the blood vessels. This change keeps us awake and in some cases is even used to prevent headaches. The problem is that we cannot live on caffeine. When caffeine is removed abruptly from the diet, it causes migraines and other headaches as well as sleep issues.


Many people are sensitive to MSG. This food additive is otherwise known as mono-sodium glutamate. It’s used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods like potato chips and prepared foods. MSG causes migraines in a large percentage of the population. If you are prone to junk food headaches, MSG may be the food that causes migraine headaches for you. Oriental food can also be an MSG source. Be sure your favorite take out joint advertises no MSG in their foods.

Nitrates and nitrites

Nitrates and nitrites are migraine causing food ingredients found in processed meats such as hot dogs and pepperoni. Some migraine sufferers even call their flare ups “hot dog headaches. Check the labels of the processed meats you use. Try all natural brands that are labeled nitrate and nitrite free. Watch out for processed lunch meats like bologna. These foods not only cause migraines, they provide little or no nutrition.

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Aged products, such as cheeses, are on the list of foods that cause migraines. These foods contain a substance known as tyramine. Tyramine can cause migraines by raising blood pressure. High blood pressure is known to cause migraines. Avoid foods such as aged cheese, processed meats, pickles, olives and anything that must be preserved for long periods of time. The longer an item is aged, the more tyramine it contains. This makes it more likely to cause migraines.


Some alcohol also contains tyramine. Red wine, beer, and whiskey are among food causes of migraines. When we drink, blood flow increases. Heavy blood flow to the brain is another way of saying high blood pressure. Severe headaches and migraines are often symptoms of high blood pressure. Be aware of your drinking habits as they relate to migraine symptoms. The hangover as you withdraw from alcohol consumption can cause migraines too.

Frozen foods

Many migraine sufferers report frozen foods as the cause for their migraines. Think of brain freeze, but on a larger scale. Frozen foods like ice cream and shaved ice cause sensitivities in most migraine sufferers. It’s especially important not to eat these foods when overheated. Unfortunately, that’s exactly when most people do eat these foods. The change in temperature is likely the cause for migraines.


Salt is one of those foods responsible for causing many diseases and conditions. We do need a small amount of sodium in the diet to function normally. Americans are likely to salt nearly everything we eat. Salt in large quantities is bad for nearly all vital organs. It also cause high blood pressure. Many conditions caused by overuse of salt also cause blood pressure to elevate, which in turn causes migraines.

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Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is not intended to replace professional medical advice.



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