Smoked Salmon Appetizers

Smoked salmon is one of my favorite appetizers. There are so many ways to prepare smoked salmon appetizers that many times, my husband and I just sit on the deck and have freshly made smoked salmon appetizers for dinner. During the summer months, with the abundance of fresh vegetables and herbs, it’s so easy to make a nutritional meal out of appetizers.

Doctors have been telling the American public for years that we need to eat more salmon. Regardless if it’s smoked salmon or not, this fish is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies need. I’m sure you’ve heard all the health benefits related to eating salmon and smoked salmon; it’s great for your heart, it helps with eye functioning, it aids in the development of our bodies, etc. If not, you can read my article entitled “Health Benefits of Omega-3″ at this link.

Preparing meals with fresh vegetables and herbs will not only make your food taste better, but it’s better for you. Fresh vegetables, especially uncooked, wilI have all their nutrients and vitamins with no added preservatives. I try to use fresh vegetables and herbs as much as possible, especially during the summer months.

My husband and I both like to cook and create new sauces, appetizers, and dishes. The following smoked salmon appetizer recipes have been created by one of us, and we’re glad to share them with you. The first smoked salmon appetizer is our favorite and very easy to make. When we create recipes, we kind of “eyeball” it, so you can use your judgement if you’d like to add a little more or less of something. We always use a good portion of smoked salmon since it’s not only the main ingredient, but it’s delicious!

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Smoked Salmon w/Rice Vinegar Appetizers
1 4 oz. Package Smoked Salmon
Rice Vinegar
Light or Extra Light Virgin Olive Oil
Crackers, especially multi-grain

Mix the first 4 ingredients together using a fork. Sprinkle a little rice vinegar on the ingredients and mix well. Add more if you need to. Once you’re satisfied with the amount of rice vinegar, add a little olive oil and mix again to coat. Serve with crackers and we’ve found that multi-grain crackers go best with this appetizer.

Cream Cheese Smoked Salmon Appetizers
1 3 oz. pkg. Cream cheese, softened
3-4 Tbsp. Mayonnaise or Sour Cream
1 4 oz. pkg. Smoked salmon
2-3 Tbsps. Capers, including the liquid
¼ cup chopped red onion
Fresh Dill
Baguette or French Bread

Mix the softened cream cheese with either the mayonnaise or the sour cream, whichever you prefer. Add the capers and red onion mixing well. Slice the Baguette or French Bread thinly. If using French Bread, cut the slices in half for single servings. Spread the cream cheese mixture on top of the bread slices. Cut the smoked salmon to fit nicely on top of each bread slice. After you’ve placed a slice of smoked salmon on each piece of bread, sprinkle the whole dish with dill and chill for about 20 minutes before serving. This appetizer is quite filling but delicious.

We hope you enjoy these two favorite smoked salmon appetizers of ours. They both have received rave reviews from our guests.