The Health Benefits of Red Onions

One of the quickest ways to add taste to a savory recipe is to add a little onion. Whether grilled, raw, or sautéed onions have a distinctive flavor that can take a dish from dull to dynamite. What’s less appreciated are the health benefits of this healthy bulb, known to be one of the oldest vegetables in the world. Although all onions have nutritional appeal, red onions have certain advantages from a health standpoint. What are the health benefits of red onions?

Health Benefits of Red Onions: Sulfur Compounds

One group of chemicals responsible for the health benefits of red onions are the sulfur-containing allyl propyl disulphides. If you ever wondered where onions get their distinctive odor, these chemicals can take the credit. Despite their somewhat offensive smell and the irritating effect on the eyes, onion’s distinctive sulfur compounds may help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as certain types of cancer. Similar sulfur compounds are also found in garlic which makes it another good choice for adding flavor to food.

Health Benefits of Red Onions: Flavonoids

When it comes to the health benefits of red onions, flavonoids are another important component. These powerful free radical scavengers help to clean up oxidative damage that can lead to cancer, and may play a role in preventing heart disease. The most important flavonoid in onions is known as quercetin. This phytochemical has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that may prevent the growth of certain types of tumors. Several small studies have shown that people who eat large quantities of onions have a lower incidence of several common cancer types. Quercetin also has natural anti-histamine properties which may make onions somewhat effective against allergy symptoms. While all onions have quercetin, white onions have very little and red onions have the most. One more reason to choose red onions over its paler counterparts.

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Health Benefits of Red Onions: Better Bones?

Surprisingly, onions also play a role in maintaining healthy bones. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that a compound found in onions known as GPCS can stop the activity of cells that break down bone known as osteoclasts. In fact, GPCS works very similarly to one of the prescription drugs used to treat osteoporosis. Although it’s unclear how many onions you’d need to eat to get this protective effect, adding red onions to your diet may still be a smart choice, particularly for women.

Health Benefits of Red Onions: Other Benefits?

Red onions are also low in calories and fat and their rather assertive taste make dishes prepared with them more filling. Onions are also high in chromium, a mineral that increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors to the sugar regulating hormone insulin. It’s thought that this may help to decrease appetite and promote weight loss, although this hasn’t been conclusively proven.

As you can see, the health benefits of red onions are worth tapping into. Why not pick up a few on your next shopping trip?
