Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux Triggered by Each Other?

There are millions of people that suffer from Acid Reflux disease and also Sleep Apnea but many of these people also suffer from both of these diseases and they can actually tie in with each other. First off for those who don’t know, Sleep Apnea is when your body involuntarily suspends breathing from anywhere of 10 seconds to even a minute. Acid Reflux is a type of digestive disorder that allows stomach acid to enter your esophagus and can permanently damage your mucous membrane and even permanently damage the esophagus.

For many years now, people have always wondered if there were any connection between the two. Several studies on people and from my own personal experiences have always showed a pretty strong relation between Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux. There are times where some people will wake up gasping for air and scared out of their minds. Within a minute though they can usually get their breath back but with a very intense burning in the throat. This will vary by person and what position they sleep in each night. The most common occurrences are when people are sleeping on their backs. This allows a much easier passage into the esophagus. Try sleeping on your stomach or on your side to maybe help reduce the occurrences of acid reflux each night.

For most people who have experienced Acid Reflux, they know of the intense burning feeling you will get in your throat and also know that it is very hard to get rid of for a while. Most method’s like milk or water just doesn’t do the trick. The best thing that is recommended though is just drinking water. For people at night who have sleep apnea will find more occurrences of waking up with acid burning away in their throats and sometimes these can be severe cases. The best thing to is keep a bottle of water next to your bed just in case you have one of these instances.

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Many studies have been trying to figure out which comes first, Sleep Apnea or the Acid Reflux. With the studies they have performed on patients, it appears that 3X more people with Sleep Apnea has developed Acid Reflux faster than those who do not have Sleep Apnea. It appears that Sleep Apnea will cause the Acid Reflux to occur. Studies have also shown that once you get the Acid Reflux cured (or diminished), the Sleep Apnea will diminish as well. The best thing for anyone to do with Acid Reflux is see their doctor so he can help diagnose and treat the problem. You can cause permanent damage to your esophagus overtime and with proper treatment you can prevent it.

It is recommended that finding natural ways of curing Acid Reflux will help diminish the effects of it and will also help rid you of Sleep Apnea as well. Fruits like Pineapple and Papaya are very good for treating heartburn and can help you. You should try to avoid spicy foods as much as possible and try not to eat any big meals or eat anything within 2-4 hours of bedtime. Any more activity with your stomach and digestive system right before bed can cause more acid reflux problems for you that night.

Other methods of helping to reduce acid reflux include using apple vinegar and pickle juice. Pineapple has helped many people reduce their Acid Reflux and many people find ways of adding Pineapple to their diets everyday. It is still highly recommended you visit your doctor if you are having frequent heartburn or Acid Reflux to ensure you are not putting more damage to your esophagus.