Simple Tips to Grow Long, Silky Hair

The Internet is flooded with ads for products guaranteed to grow long hair; however, what these ads do not promise is long silky hair. With the exception of models and photo shopped hair ads, most women with long hair do not enjoy a silky, glossy mane. Think about it, when was the last time you saw a real woman with long hair that was enviously silky and smooth? Although legitimate resources for silky, long hair are few, there are still ways for you to get that beautiful silky hair you’ve always wanted without any special product. It all comes down to hair care.

Keep your hair moisturized. This is the number one thing to remember when growing long hair. If you don’t keep your hair moisturized, the ends will split, resulting in frequent trimmings that will prevent you from ever getting long hair. A few simple precautions will prevent your long hair from drying out and give you that silky smooth hair. Keep in mind that over-washing can cause the natural oils to be stripped from your hair. Avoid this by washing it every other day if possible, depending on how oily your scalp gets.

Use the conditioner correctly. Conditioner is essential to long hair and learning to use it correctly will ensure that you have long and silky hair. Start by applying shampoo to your scalp and working out to the ends of your hair. The scalp is where you need the most shampoo so don’t over-do it on the ends, this will cause them to dry out. Next, apply the conditioner, starting from the tips of your hair up to about the base of you head. Your scalp should supply enough oils to moisturize the top of your hair while the conditioner will work best on the ends. Spend a few minutes working the conditioner into the ends of your hair. Let the conditioner sit in your hair for between 3-5 minutes, this will allow the nutrients and moisture to be absorbed by your dry hair. Rinse out the conditioner lightly; be careful not to strip out the moisture as you rinse the conditioner.

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Don’t use a generic conditioner. If you want long, silky hair, you can not skimp on the conditioner by using a generic brand. This doesn’t mean you need an expensive salon brand either. Instead, opt for a drug store brand that is specifically made for “moisture renewal. Some good brands to promote long silky hair are Pantene Pro-V and Fructis. Fructis even has a specific restoring conditioner to help repair split and dry ends. I would recommend using this or another restoring conditioner on a weekly basis. Even though you may not need to “restore” your hair, these types of conditioners pack a lot of moisturizing nutrients essential to silky hair.

Invest in a good comb. Regardless of whether you have short or long hair, it is important to use a comb on wet hair to prevent breakage. This is especially important if you are trying to grow long hair. A brush will cause your hair to break off and result in an uneven hair length that will ultimately need to be trimmed shorter. Using a comb can prevent this from happening, giving you healthy long hair which will ultimately mean silky hair.

Apply hair oil. When your hair is still damp from washing, it is helpful to apply a small amount of hair oil to the ends. The oil will be absorbed into your hair as it dries and help to lock in the moisture that provides silky hair. A good product to consider is a salon hair oil called “Moroccan Oil. It is usually sold in salons for a reasonable price and works wonders on long hair. It absorbs into hair quickly, making it a great product to use as your hair dries and helps to prevent fly-aways.

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Watch the heat. In order to have long hair that is silky smooth, you will have to pay attention to how often you use the blow-dryer on your hair. If possible, give up blowing-drying completely as this will strip your hair of it’s natural oils and cause split ends. If you must blow-dry, consider applying a hair serum to the ends of your hair before using any heat on them. There are even hair products designed to aid in keeping hair silky smooth when using a blow-dryer. Paul Mitchell’s Hair Serum works well on hair that would normally dry at contact with heated rollers, curlers, straightening irons, or blow dryers.

Using these simple methods will aid greatly in getting you the long silky hair that you’ve always desired. Don’t be fooled by ads that promise long hair if you buy their product. Instead, focus on these simple ways that you can achieve long silky hair without the expensive products.