Caring for Long Hair: Tips from One Who Knows

If you have long hair that extends to the middle of your back or longer, you realize what a hassle it can be at times, especially when the wind blows it. You may hate the fact that it is so hot in the summertime and may want to cut it all off, but you are so thankful for it in the wintertime.

Within this article, I will show you ways to care for your long hair. These are at tips, hints, and other little tidbits that I have picked up over the years of having longer hair.

Longer hair looks better when it is hanging straight down, however it will be knotted up by the wind, which can cause a tremendous amount of problems. It will take for at for to get those knots out of your hair, and it will no doubt damage sections of your long hair. That is something we must avoid at all cost.

I do not venture outside, when the wind is blowing hard and serious, because I know that I will spend 20 minutes to a half-hour undoing to damage that five minutes outside can create. If I need to be outside on a windy day, I will do a quick braid and secure that with a nonmetal elastic band.

At times when you are riding in an automobile and the window is down the airflow, when the automobile is moving will suck your hair right out that window. This can be quite painful indeed, so either need to close the window or talk your hair into the back of your shirt.

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I learned a neat trick from my friend Beth, who also has long hair and is a police officer. She cannot leave her long hair hanging down for obvious reasons so she braids it. Once she is completed braiding it, secured it she tucks up the remainder of the braid underneath the braid to the top of her head and secures it with clips. This not only secures her hair, it protects it from damage and stops the bad people from pulling her hair in the line of duty.

When I wash my hair in the shower, I take more time than usual to simply wash my hair, because in never goes up on top of my head. I get the shampoo in my hands, and run my hands through my hair from the front all the way down the bottom. I accomplish this by simply holding my hair in front of my shoulder.

I do condition my hair with over-the-counter conditioners, now when I need a quick touch up, I use three-minute Aussie miracle. I simply use this instead of my regular conditioner and let it set on my hair for three minutes before I rinse it out. It works wonderfully to restore the shine to my hair.

When you towel dry long hair, you really need to take the time and not do it as everyone else does it. When you have long hair, you need to pat your hair with the towel, so it is not all knotted up which will increase your chances of damaging, your hair tremendously.

Blow drying long hair is never a good idea, because it will cause frizzy hair. Whenever we damage our hair, it takes forever to repair that damage. Instead, let your long hair dry naturally, even if it takes hours to do so. Brushing wet long hair is never a good idea either, so you need to have a wide toothed comb to smooth out your wet hair.

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When the holiday season shown upon on us, for those people with long hair on your gift list, you can create a gift basket of nonmetal elastic ponytail holders, wide toothed combs, their favorite shampoo or conditioners, clips, and nonmetal rollers to and bounce to their hair. All of these gifts will come in very handy, and you will be letting that person know, that you like their hair.

Growing long hair that is beautiful and shiny requires more care than you can imagine. We have to limit our exposures to the wind, the rain, and other elements, so that they do not damage our hair. We love our long hair and we want to protect it from the damage that society can put on it.