Simple Graduation Home Party Ideas

For a graduation party at your home there are lots of brilliant graduation home party ideas that can make your party exceptional. There are great themes, special touches, great food ideas, entertainment, games, favors and prizes which will make everything go really well. I love looking for ideas and I have fun bringing them to life. It does not matter if you are having an open house party or a private party, the ideas should help you have the best fun. The whole purpose may well be to have the best graduation celebration for your graduate that is possible. You will of course want your family and friends to love it too. For graduate and guests there will be lots of ideas which you can use to help everyone have a great time.

Starting with the theme. There are a huge amount of them that you can use for a home party. The best ones are the themes that mean something to the graduate and you. That could be a topical item like vampires, a sport or just a favorite theme like beach, luau, Mexican or toga party. Perhaps the theme is something you have seen before which worked very well. However the party themed on the graduate does have a lot of appeal.

Setting up your home for the party clearly involves getting it decorated on the theme. Before getting to work on the decorations it is best to take a view on your home and what you need to do to get it ready. In our case we took the chance t have it professionally cleaned and also the paint work freshened up. We also replaced some flooring which was long overdue. Outdoors we had the garden cleaned up, fresh plants and cleaned the driveway stone work. The next thing to do was to decide on the artwork we would leave out and where to put the dog. The dog went to stay at a neighbors. Some of our valuables were stored away but mostly we left things as they are.

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Our party had a buffet meal arranged on our terrace for family only to start with. Later on the open house part started with invited guests and our son’s friends dropping by. Getting the food right for us meant having hot soup for those dropping in plus keeping the buffet refreshed as we went along.

The decorations for our party were mostly banners, balloons and streamers. We did have lots of tribute areas with photos at various ages, visitors book, a signin board with messages and lots of little areas with memorabilia. It was important to have memories of the graduate and friends, and also with family.

The favors were photo frames, a notepad with the graduates name and graduation date plus pen. We also had graduation cap cupcakes and candy.

There are lots of brilliant graduation home party ideas that will make your graduate very proud.

Resource: Graduation Home Party Ideas