Should You Take Green Tea Capsules?

A variety of studies have demonstrated the potential health benefits of green tea. Green tea contains a variety of powerful polyphenols such as EGCG which are thought to help reduce oxidative damage to cells which can lead to certain types of cancer as well as heart disease. It’s also been shown to have the potential to slightly increase the metabolic rate and help promote fat loss.

The problem is most people aren’t able to drink enough green tea on a daily basis to realize the benefits. Some studies looking at the health benefits of green tea used quantities of green tea extract equivalent to twelve cups of green tea per day. Most people would have problems drinking that amount in a single day and some would find it impossible due to the caffeine content. One way to get the health benefits of green tea without drowning yourself in tea is to take a green tea capsule.

What exactly is found in a green tea capsule and are they safe to use? Most green tea capsules purchased at health food stores contain green tea extract which consists of concentrated green tea polyphenols such as EGCG. EGCG is the best known and most powerful green tea antioxidant. A green tea capsule can be a convenient way to get the benefits of green tea without being forced to drink excessive amounts of tea. A single green tea capsule can offer a concentration of polyphenols equivalent to drinking ten to fifteen cups of green tea, depending upon the brand.

Are green tea capsules really better than drinking the actual green tea? A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2004 showed that polyphenol absorption was greatest when polyphenols were given as a green tea extract as opposed to drinking the green tea itself. It did show that polyphenol absorption was slightly delayed when given in extract form, although the actual absorption was greater and resulted in higher levels of blood antioxidant activity. This would suggest that the green tea capsule may be superior to drinking green tea.

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What about the caffeine in green tea capsules? This is another advantage to the green tea capsule over drinking green tea itself. Most green tea extracts have very low caffeine contents with some having as little as four milligrams per serving. This makes it a potential option for those people who are sensitive to high doses of caffeine.

What about the safety of green tea capsules? Green tea extracts appear to be safe if purchased from a reputable company and used according to recommended dosage. Occasionally, green tea capsules can cause minor stomach upset. Because high doses of green tea extract could cause liver or kidney toxicity, avoid taking more than one green tea capsule per day and don’t take it at all if you’re pregnant. It’s always best to check with your doctor before starting any type of nutritional supplement.

A final drawback to using green tea capsules is that even though most of the studies showing the benefits of green tea are positive, the benefits have not been conclusively proven in large scale trials in humans. If you’re more comfortable waiting for definitive proof of the health benefits of green tea, you may want to wait before starting a green tea capsule until more studies come out.


  • The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 80 Issue 6 December 2004