Shabby Chic Jewelry Box Craft Project

Creating Shabby Chic Jewelry Box is an easy project that can be accomplished in one weekend. To start this Shabby Chic Jewelry Box Paint Technique project you will need to spend at least one weekend, but maybe a little more time.

I recommend using some of those pre made wood jewelry boxes from Michaels Arts and craft store. You can add some of their pre made wood embellishments with wood glue. Any real wood or cheap plain fake wood Jewelry Boxes are perfect for this Shabby Chic Paint Technique.

After you are finished you can use some white or yellow felt to lien the inside of your jewelry box.

For more fun ideas from Rebecca click here.

Here is a list of supplies you will need to start making these Shabby Chic Jewelry Box:

Paint (2 colors: white and either sand or tan)
Roller paint brushes
A variety of 2″, 3″, or 4″ paint brushes
Wood stain
Drop clothes
pre made wood box or jewelry box

Now, start sanding the surface of your embellished wood box or Jewelry Box. Once you have the surface lightly sanded, you should wipe off the dust with a clean dry clothe. An old white t-shirt will work perfectly here.

Now, you are ready to put a coat of primer. If you are using a cheap fake wood Jewelry Box this is a very important step. Your Shabby Chic Paint Technique will not stick to your surface if you don’t sand and then prime your Jewelry Box surface.

If you want a rough more rustic Shabby Chic Jewelry Box try putting the primer on with one of the 4″ brushes. This will give texture and create the look of real wood. If you prefer the smoother look you can roll the paint on with any type of paint roller. A foam roller will create the smoothest surface.

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Allow your primer to dry completely.

Put on a coat of your base paint. This is either a sand color or tan color. You could do a yellowish tan. This paint should not be the actual color you want your desk to end up, but the color you want to show through when you finish the Shabby Chic Jewelry Box.

Now you are ready to paint your surface with the real color you wish it to be. I always recommend painting a white or antique white color for true Shabby Chic Jewelry Box.

Don’t be scared to choose a bright white because the Shabby Chic Jewelry Box Paint Technique process will tone down the appearance of the stark white considerably if you want.

Once your white shabby chic Jewelry Box color has dried you are ready to start roughing it up. Start by using the sand paper to rough up edges and other areas that would typically be used over time.

Once you have finished sanding the Jewelry Box surface wipe the surface down with a clean dry cloth. That old white t-shirt will work well here again. You can stop at this point, but if you want to go the extra mile you can use a mixture of ½ wood stain and ½ glaze to darken your piece. This darkening will mimic years of dirt and the aging process. If you use a antique white you do not have to do this.

Start by mixing you paint and glaze in a plastic container. Use a white rag or another old t-shirt to rub the stain onto the Jewelry Box.

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You can do this process until you achieve the Shabby Chic Jewelry Box look you want for your vintage master bedroom, retro home, or little girl’s room.

Check out more ideas from Rebecca here.
