Secrets About Las Vegas Coupon Books

Countless people scour the Internet for information about Las Vegas coupon books every year. Many will also purchase Las Vegas coupon books from street side vendors all along the Las Vegas Strip. There are secrets that many Las Vegas websites do not want you to know about these Las Vegas coupon books since many of the popular Las Vegas websites make money off of these books.

Why, you might ask, do many of the Las Vegas websites not want you to know about these tips? Many of these websites sell Las Vegas coupon books. They might sell Las Vegas coupon books for publishers (which they make a kickback on), or they might sell their own coupon book (which would make a lot of money for the website.

First off, many of the coupons that you could find in a Las Vegas coupon book can be found for free online. There are many websites that offer free Las Vegas coupons. While the search might be daunting at time, these sites can be found. Why pay for a Las Vegas coupon in a Las Vegas coupon book that you could get free?

Regular readers know that I have spoken about local Las Vegas magazines in the past. Many of these magazines have the same valuable coupons in them that you might find in Las Vegas coupon books. While you still have to pay money for these magazines, it is still a lot less than you would spend for a Las Vegas coupon book.

Regular readers of mine also know that all of the major Las Vegas hotels have an in-house magazine that is usually piled near the front desk. These are free, and might also have the same coupons that you pay for in Las Vegas coupon books for free. Again, why pay for what you can get for free?

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When you check in to a Las Vegas hotel, you will usually receive some kind of coupon book that has coupons for many of the restaurants and attractions around the property. You could find some of these in Las Vegas coupon books, but again, why pay for something that you could get for free?

Remember, it does not matter that if you buy your Las Vegas coupon book online, or from a street vendor. You usually cannot look inside at the coupons. I have a friend that paid $40 for a Las Vegas coupon book only to find out that over half of the coupons inside were expired and could not be used. He even saw that some of the coupons were for a casino that had closed a few years before.

Keep these ideas in mind if you are planning on looking for a Las Vegas coupon book. You might end up wasting you hard-earned money for something that you could get for free if you just spent a little more time and energy looking for.
