Top Ten Cheapest Las Vegas Souvenirs

Coming to Las Vegas on vacation is wonderful but finding the right souvenir to bring back to the family is a time consuming tedious job. So why not make it easier and use some of these tips.

Post Cards

You can find post cards in just about every Las Vegas Hotel, souvenir shop, grocery store, 7-11 and any other small shop especially on the Strip or downtown. These post cards are cheap and have many of the highlights of the Las Vegas Strip as well as the Downtown Las Vegas spectacles that most people want to see.

If you can’t get to all of the scenic places of Las Vegas to take vacation photos the very next best thing is to find the photo you want already printed on a post card and send back home.

Coin Cups

Most people know what a Las Vegas Casino coin cups is, but if you haven’t been here before I’ll explain to you what they are. A coin cup is a free plastic cup you will find sitting on top of slot and poker machines so you can easily put the coins you win in them while you are walking to the next poker or slot machine to put more money into. They also make it easy for you to cash out and take your winnings up to the cashier to “cash out” or get paid in paper money.

What a lot of people don’t know is how many of the casinos are going to coin less machines and are only accepting the slot tickets you get from the casino. So the coin cups that have the Las Vegas Hotels name or logo printed on them could soon be hard to find which means rare and worth money. Just look at all the people selling older Las Vegas coin cups on eBay.

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Free Maps of the Las Vegas Strip

Yes, there are maps of the Las Vegas Strip, Downtown and even the other cities of Nevada. But if you come to Las Vegas unprepared and have to buy a map from a gift shop, gas station or a casino, be prepared to shell out some money for it.

Or you could just go online and print a map for free. Then while you are visiting each of the places on the map you just write down the time and date of each visit. I’m sure your mother would love a map of the Las Vegas Strip where you have hand written where, when, how, what and with whom you were doing next to each place on the map. Mother’s are just strange that way.

Free flyers

If you plan on walking the Las Vegas Strip, I highly recommend taking the free flyers that get handed out from time to time from people who are standing on the sidewalk. These flyers are the perfect souvenir for that purvy brother in law or next door neighbor, because most will have half naked women in them trying to get you to call them for a massage. Of course I wouldn’t recommend calling the numbers because you never know what else would come with that massage but I’m sure it ‘s something that might not be cleared up until you had a doctors prescription.

Key Chains

Most Las Vegas gift shops and souvenir shops have logo key chains available for just a couple of dollars. So spending just a few dollars you can get everyone on your souvenir list a keychain with the Las Vegas logo on it. Now who’s not going to like that?

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Casino Chips

While playing most Las Vegas table games they will give you casino chips to use as money on the table. If you forget to cash them back in for real money you can always give the chips themselves as souvenirs. A lot of people have sold older casino chips on places like eBay to people who collect them.

Free Newspaper flyers from the Newspaper bins

For all those who do not know, there are countless newspaper bins that look like they have free newspapers in them. But if you look closely you will see what they really are. It’s a paper filled with half naked women that want and come give you massages, lap dances, erotic dances, or who knows what else. Like I said before I wouldn’t call the numbers but you know that saying, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Unless of course you have to go to the doctor for that prescription, in that case your insurance company will also know what happened in Vegas.

Las Vegas Showgirls Calendar

At most Souvenir and gift shops you will be able to find the Las Vegas showgirls calendar. The Las Vegas showgirls are probably the best known thing about Las Vegas and who wouldn’t want them on a calendar? Those hats and feathers are so beautiful you might want to go out and buy yourself a feather boa after seeing them for twelve months on a calendar.

Las Vegas Coupons

There are so many ways to get free coupons for Las Vegas, but one of the best ways and the most widely known coupon books is from the Las Vegas gift shop. When you order the FREE Set of Las Vegas Coupons from them, all you have to pay for is the shipping and handling and you get a lot of free stuff.

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Not only do you get the Las Vegas fun book, you also get a free set of playing cards that you can also use as a souvenir. What kid doesn’t want their own set of Las Vegas playing cards?

Free shampoo

Anyone staying at a Las Vegas Hotel will undoubtedly find the free mini bottles of shampoo, condition, soaps, tissue and some times toilet paper and hand sanitizer. The maids come into your room to clean everyday and leave another set of each of these things. So all you have to do is make sure you take each set as they are given to you and put them in your suitcase so the maids think you used them and leave you more.

Now get a little pink wicker basket from one of the craft stores for a dollar and fill it with all those tiny bottles of soap, shampoo ect, and give it to any woman or little girl you need to give a souvenir to. Women love those little bottles of shampoo and soap and what little girl do you know that wouldn’t love a little pink basket filled with bath stuff?
