Savannah Haunted Hotel.

Savannah is a beautiful coastal city full or mystery and history. The 17 Hundred 90 Hotel is located at 307 East President Street in Savannah, Georgia, near the corner of Bay Street and Lincoln. This building has served many purposes throughout the years. It was once was a boarding house, which later turned into a hotel. It was built in 1820. Why then is it named 17 Hundred 90? 1790 was a year full of sorrow for Savannah residents. During 1790 a fire consumed two thirds of the city. The city was in a state of medical emergency as yellow fever took the lives of many people. There is a cemetery on the same street as the hotel that has entire families buried together.

The 17 Hundred 90 hotel is considered on of the most haunted hotels in all of Georgia. There are many ghost tour companies who include this hotel in their regular schedule. Many patrons visit the restaurant for its great food and bar. The hotel has fourteen beautiful rooms complete with fireplaces, and decorated in 1800’s decor.

The story of room 204 involves a young lady named Anne Powell. There are many versions of this story. One version of these haunting stories, states that Anne Powell was a very unhappy young bride. She was married at young age of 16, to a much older Englishman. He was known for not being very personable, but did try to make her happy by building her a nice home. She was not in love with him. She fell head over heels for a German sailor. There was a secret romance between them, which resulted in her becoming pregnant. Her husband was friends with the sea captain, who alerted her husband. The night the ship was to set sail was changed. Anne’s husband locked her in her hotel room. From her room she could see the ship with her love in the distance leaving Savannah. The story claims that she was so heart broken she threw herself out of the second floor balcony.

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Visitors of the hotel claim to see an entity in the figure of a young woman. She makes her presence known by teasing people. There are reports of missing items, luggage being rummaged through, and unexplained interference with electrical equipment. The creepier reports involve actually seeing this entity touching their items and basically behaving as though she is helping you. There are reports of peoples clothes being taken out of their luggage, and being placed neatly on the bed. A female presence is sensed in the room. Young couples have had their bed sheets snatched completely off during the night. An entity is seen rocking in the chair by the fire place.

If you are daring enough to visit the 17 Hundred 90 Hotel, you must sign a waiver to stay in room 204. The waiver is legally binding to prevent the hotel from anything that could happen to you. The waiver also states that the hotel will not refund you if you are unsatisfied with your stay. Many people have left in the middle of the night because they were truly scared. Most people consider spirits to be lost, and do not want to be in the felt presence of evil. So, consider this a warning that it is documented that there is a evil presence there. If being scared suits your fancy, there are many tours of haunted historic places in Savannah.
