Sample Apology Letters for Cyberbullies

Has your teen recently participated in malicious cyberbullying behavior? Are you a school counselor helping a teen apologize for cyberbullying? Or, have you yourself cyberbullied a student at your school? Did you write something cruel on your Facebook status? Did you forward an inappropriate photo?

It’s time to apologize. An apology letter can help the cyberbully victim in the healing process. You can’t turn back time, but you can admit to your mistakes.

Please note that it is not necessary for the cyberbully to recount actions in the letter. In fact, it’s best to avoid it, as it can can cause more pain. The letter should simply apologize for the behavior, and respectfully convey that it was wrong. These sample apology letters are not meant to be copied word-for-word, but to help in writing a letter. An apology letter should be handwritten. It can be snail-mailed, or given in person.

Sample Letter #1

Dear Maria,

I am very sorry for my recent cyberbullying behavior. It was wrong, and I should not have done what I did. I truly regret my actions.

I sincerely apologize for what I did. I know that no one deserves to be treated this way. I understand my behavior was very hurtful.

I promise to never bully you again, and I will not participate in cyberbullying in the future. I am sorry for my mistakes and poor choices.



Sample Letter #2


I am writing this to sincerely apologize for my behavior. It was wrong, and I am truly sorry that I cyberbullied you. I regret my poor choices, and I do not ever want it to happen again.

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I have met with the school counselor and know that this behavior was very harmful. There is no excuse for what I did. I hope that my actions will not continue to cause pain.

I know that cyberbullying is wrong. I have pledged to not participate in any further cyberbullying behavior.



Sample Letter #3

Dear Jackie,

I am truly remorseful for being a cyberbully. I am sorry for what I did, and I know that it was wrong. I sincerely regret my actions and poor choices.

I know that I cannot undo the harm I have caused. I wish I had never done it. There is no excuse for my behavior. I can assure you that I will never cyberbully again, and will try my best to not participate in any future cyberbullying.



These are just three sample apology letters for cyberbullies. While an apology letter cannot erase what has happened, it can help the victim move on from the incident.

In addition to writing an apology letter, it is ideal for a cyberbully to say something publicly to people who might have seen the behavior. For example, if he/she posted something inappropriate on Facebook about the victim, he/she needs to publicly admit that it was wrong.. A simple, concise Facebook status can do.

Parents and teachers need to be aware of this behavior and the effects that it can have on adolescents. Please read these articles here for more details on cyberbullying. Cyberbullying, like all bullying, can lead to depression and anger. Many victims will become cyberbullies themselves. Together, we can all help delete cyberbullying.

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