Rohto V Eye Drops Review

Rohto V eye drops is like a blizzard for your eyes, so I’ve been told. Never heard of Rohto V? Until a couple of months ago neither had I. After some research I found out that Rohto V eye drops have been around a couple of years. They’re not exactly old but not exactly brand spankin’ new either. I actually discovered Rohto V eye drops while watching one of my favorite makeup gurus’ videos. At first I thought nothing of it, eye drops are eye drops right? Well, I got curious and looked up the brand simply because I’ve never heard of it before. It turns out not all eye drops are the same. Rohto V eye drops comes in different cooling sensations, yes, I said cooling. The cooling sensation is from the menthol. I was skeptical but I tried it out anyway.

Rohto V eye drops come in four different kinds; Cool, Arctic, Ice and Hydra, which is just for moistening but still has their signature cooling menthol. The one I tried was their Cool, in the green cap. The Cool, Arctic and Ice are all redness relievers, their new Hydra one is the only lubricant eye drop. I was nervous because in many reviews people have said that their eyes burned, but for the sake of my review I sucked it up and dove right in. It tingled a bit at first and I had to keep my eyes closed for a second but overall it really didn’t burn much, and the whites of my eyes were noticeably whiter. I get blood shot eyes from insomnia and spending hours reading and sitting in front of the computer. It has been suggested that Rohto V would be a great product for those that enjoy the herbal cigarettes or for a long night of partying.

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As for their signature cooling sensation, I have to say, I really liked it. My eyes felt lubricated and relaxed. The sensation is hard to describe but I can see how it can get addicting. Of course I went with the Cool, which is the tamer of the three. If you can’t handle Cool I wouldn’t suggest trying the other ones.

Rohto V does costs a little more than other eye drops, like say, Visine. I believe I got mine at Wal-Mart for about $4. It comes with instructions that I highly suggest reading. I’ve read many reviews where people didn’t use it properly and ended up suffering the consequences. You can’t blame the eye drops for stupidity and negligence. I can’t think of anything negative to say about Rohto V eye drops because I haven’t had any negative experiences with it. I will say that unlike Visine it can’t be used with contact lenses, especially colored ones. I would recommend, like the box says, to use it before putting in your contact lenses.

Rohto V eye drops costs more than Visine but I prefer Rohto V. I like the cooling sensation and I feel as though it does a better job at removing redness from my eyes than Visine as well as moistening them. I would recommend it but it’s not for everyone so try it at your own risk.
