Review: PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition

I am no expert in computers or computer software, but I believe everyone that has a high speed internet connection in his/her home should have firewall protection to guard against security issues that could arise. A firewall is an electronic barrier between the public network and the home or office network. It is sort of the same thing as a physical firewall that is built between the housing units of an apartment complex. In this case, the firewall will protect the apartment building from a fire from spreading to other units. In a sense, the physical firewall protects apartment dwellers from each other throughout the complex, therefore providing security. Firewalls for computers do essentially the same thing, except they are protecting the computer from internet invasion.

I use PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition. The software is 4.5 MB and is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. This firewall monitors the traffic that comes in and goes out of my computer. It protects it from harmful websites that want to send information in electronic vehicles as Trojan horses, worms and viruses. I don’t know how it does it, but the firewall monitors all the IP addresses that come into the computer. By the numbers, the filter can recognize if this is friendly data coming in or potentially harmful data. PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition is easy to use. There are no time limits, it is always free. You can go online to to download this firewall software into your computer. It is very easy to install.

See also  Free Protection for Your Computer

I am very happy with PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition because it is guarding my computer well. I previously had a computer that was rendered totally useless by viruses that were sent to it. It became so slow that I couldn’t even get online anymore, and I have high speed internet! Now in my new computer I have added further protection; I also use AVG antivirus software to scan and filter all the different packets of data that come into my computer. I’m not sure how it all works, but if the data received is not recognized by certain characteristics, the firewall will discard the data. The way I understand it, it is like the firewall it will discard it; it can tell the difference between friendly and unfriendly data.

I believe PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition is powerful and I believe it protects me personally from hackers gaining access to my personal information. Without firewalls anyone-with hacker knowledge-could come into your computer by remote access and steal your banking information or other personal data. I am very happy I am protected. And the price is right! It’s free. If you are interested in downloading PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition I have posted it at the end of this article.
