Review of the Movie “Accidental Friendship”

Although this movie was titled Accidental Friendship, it was more like divine intervention. It was not an accident that this homeless woman met with a policewoman and developed a genuine friendship. Chandra Wilson portrayed as a homeless woman named Yvonne Caldwell. Yvonne was a short, stocky, Afro-American homeless woman. Her pride kept her that way for many years.

She spoke of her dilemma telling where she came from. She talked of the dreams she had of becoming a nurse. She had an adult daughter, son, and grandchildren, but seemingly was too prideful to reach out to them for help. Even though, one would have thought her children would have kept contact with her.

Although homeless, she kept 2 dogs, one of which gave birth to several newborn puppies. She sometimes just slept on the streets. Other times she slept in an old abandoned house. Her policewoman friend was named Tami. Tami was truly a sincere person and friend. They gradually developed a friendship and bond even though they started out on shaking grounds. This was no accidental friendship. This was divinely orchestrated. Tami made sure to never overstep her boundaries with Yvonne and she always gave Yvonne the utmost respect.

One day as Tami and her coworker discussed Yvonne, her coworker just condemned Yvonne saying, “You and I will never be homeless like her.” “We are nothing like that.” But Tami was quite concerned and outspoken by replying, “You and I are just one step away from being like that.” I gave that great thought. I thought to myself, “This is so true.” Tami made a point. You could be okay today, but tomorrow all that could change with the blink of an eye. This has happened to numerous people all over the world. It even made me remember a conversation I had with a friend, he once told me he and his girlfriend were laying on the floor just watching television. When he went to get up, he was unable to. He also was unable to move his left side. He stated after being taken to the hospital he was told he had a stroke. He could not believe it and attempted to get out of the hospital bed only to discover he was unable to walk. He said his entire world changed in one day.

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It made me think of those that have lost their jobs, their cars, their house. It also made me think of those that were living in their cars and in shelters. It could have been me.

Tami finally convinced Yvonne to move into a house that had a program for rehabilitation. Yvonne also had a drinking problem. Seemingly she wanted to drink her problems away, but they were always still there when the liquor wore off.

Yvonne discovered after moving into the rehabilitation house, that she had cancer and she wanted to give up. Again, I say this was no accidental friendship. Tami would not let her give up. Tami stood by her, encouraged her, and was there for her. Also, a man that cared deeply about Tami was of great help. He helped Tami with Yvonne. Tami had not been in a personal relationship with a man for some time now. Anyway, Yvonne’s cancer was removed and she recovered nicely. She moved into her very own house. She was on her way to bigger and better things. It showed me that although she was homeless, she was not destined to stay in that predicament She rose above that. She as just homeless temporarily. She beat the homelessness, the cancer, and moved on with her life.