Review of Power 90 Workout DVD

Everyone tries to work out from time to time. For each person there is a different kind of exercise. For me it is yoga and pilates, for others it could be kick boxing or tae bo. No matter what exercise you do, you work out the different muscles in your body, sculpting, toning, and even burning some fat. Aside from all of the different types of exercising there is also Power 90 routine. There are different tapes/DVDs for different things. There are beginner phases, advanced, and intermediate depending on your level for exercise. For me it would be the beginner since I am so out of shape. Be sure you get the right level video for you skill level because you really don’t want to get hurt.

Power 90 is hosted by Tony Horton who makes the work out fun to do. He keeps you energized as you go through the moves. It is like any workout video: you start out with a warm up then you move on to the actual workout itself and then have a cool down session. One thing that I like about Power 90 is there are three or four times that you stop the work out and stretch for a little bit, so you are able to cool down for a little bit, but still keep your body pumped and ready to do more. It really makes you want to workout and get healthier as you do more. When you move up to the next level of course the workouts get a little bit harder to do.

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Each workout varies, but generally run about 29 to 30 minutes. The Sculpt workout has a five minute stretch, three circuts to tone your upper body, back, arms, buns and legs with different moves. You will need either dumb-bells or resistance bands. The Power 90 Sweat workout is more cardio. You have ten minutes of stretching with Yoga, then strength training, cardio and martial arts all rolled into one, and then five minutes of exclusively abs workout. If you start the workout and part way through you feel tired or any form of discomfort please stop the workout and try again later. You don’t want to strain yourself and eventually hurt your body. So do as much as you can each day and you will find you can do a little more as the weeks go by.

I have to admit that the Power 90 workout is not for me. But my boyfriend has been doing it for the past three weeks and I have to admit it works. His arms are looking more toned, his arms are getting sculpted. Most importantly he has so much more energy since he started the workout. The dvds do seem to cost a little more than I would pay for: many are sold for three payments of 39 dollars or so. Power 90 works for any and all body types. Of course discuss things with your doctor to see if it is okay for you to do these kinds of workouts or if you should start out slower.

Power 90 is a great workout for anyone to try. Just because it wasn’t a workout for me doesn’t mean it is not the workout for you. It does work I have seen it in action, and there is a new dvd coming out soon, Power 90 extreme which is supposed to be a harder and more intense workout, so I would suggest getting the beginner workouts before you try Power 90X.