Review of Online Credit Law Services

A friend of mine recently told me about a web site called He had been having some problems with his money situation and with getting some bills removed from his credit report. He had heard that other items could be removed by challenging them. My friend stated that he could not afford an attorney as he did not have the money needed for the down payment and fees. He then accidentally came across I checked it out, just in case I would need their services in the future.

This is a web site that helps people to improve their credit score and to remove either items there in error, or items that you can have removed legally. You can do this on your own, but it is time consuming and difficult. There are forms, letters to fill out, three credit agencies to deal with, and then the wait. You can hire an attorney, but for me that is too much money out of my pocket. can do all of this for you. You never have to leave and drive to the attorneys office.

Of course, everything costs money so there is a fee. Their down payment is $99 and then you pay a minimal fee of $39 a month. Lexington charges for services they have already performed on a few basis. In other words, they do not charge you everything up front. You are allowed to make payments. The down payment is due fifteen days from when they start working with you. This down payment covers your case set up and the beginning work and research on your case. Each month thereafter, they will bill a minimum of $39 for their services, depending on how complicated your case is. They state that the average fee is $59 a month. If you have paid for your case in full, you will continue to pay a $39 retainer fee. You may cancel either when your case is paid for, or any time after that when you desire to no longer use their services. But your contract with Lexington Law’s attorneys is binding until you pay your total bill with them. I think this is wonderful. I do not know any attorneys who let you pay as you go like this.

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Lexington law’s attorneys and paralegals will dispute any items that you feel do not belong on your credit report. They also will help you get other debts off of your credit. For instance, a friend of mine has a $ 4000 medical bill that insurance did not cover. It has been sent to a collection agency. He does not have the money to cover it. He can dispute that and if the original creditor does not contact the credit bureau, the debt is erased from his credit. So within all legal bounds, Lexington law works to improve their clients’ credit, and improve their money situation. This is how the process works.

First, you are asked to send all of your credit reports from each of the three agencies to Lexington law. You include a statement with each credit report. Lexington law’s attorneys and paralegals set up your case and your payment plan. You then sign a contract. At this time your money is due.They will then begin work immediately on your case and help you get out of debt. Credit agencies have 30 days to respond to any dispute on a person’s credit, so it could take up to 60 days to get a response and an updated credit report.

As for myself, I do not think I would ever use the services of their attorneys and paralegals. I am very business savvy and could handle all this on my own. However, some people are not talented in that area and for them, Lexington law ‘s attorneys and paralegals would be great. It at least is worth checking out! If you have a limited amount of money to hire an attorney with. If you are one of those people, this might be for you.

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  • My friend