Review of Fenitman’s Rose Lemonade

I first came across Fentiman’s in my local Waldbaum’s, and immediately I was drawn to it due to the old fashioned looking bottle and packaging. It looked like something that the store accidentally had in their storage room since the 1800’s. The bottle had a very Victorian look and feel to it, and the particular flavor that intrigued me the most was their Rose Lemonade.

I love how roses smell, but never did I ever imagine I would ever be interested in tasting rose in a beverage. I wanted to try it, but nearly fell over when I spotted the price attached to their 4 pack. $7.99!!! Ouch!!!

Even though it was expensive, I went ahead and let my curiosity win the debate on whether or not I should take it or leave it. I popped my 4 pack of very feminine looking beverages into my cart and the rest my friends is history.

Taste Test:

Now I have to be honest here, Fentiman’s Rose Lemonade is not for everyone.

The first sense that hits you before you even take a swig of this drink is the scent. Rose Lemonade has a very smooth and silky fragrance of rose, and at first I was hesitant thinking that the rose was way too overwhelming.

I took my first sip, and it had a very sour zing to it, however the sour fades off pretty quickly and your mouth is left with a bunch of new and unfamiliar flavors. The rose flavor is not at all overwhelming, and it mixes very well with the carbonated lemon flavor. The aftertaste is that of fresh cut roses, but not at all in a bad way.

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Fentiman’s Rose Lemonade to me is all woman. It made me feel like drawing a bubble bath, sitting in the warm water and sipping on my new found love. Pop in a bath bomb from, and what you have is the perfect mini spa moment, with the perfect drink to pair it up with.

Neat Fact:

Fentiman’s Rose Lemonade is botanically brewed with pure, steam-distilled rose Otto oil from legendary Rose Valley.

This basically is the reason their prices are a bit higher than what you would pay on a normal 4 pack of soda.


This is not just any soda, it is a soda for refined pallets, a soda for adults. You do not just guzzle this drink down, it’s more like a fine wine, a sipping soda. Once you have one, you will not even want to share a bottle with anyone else.

I would highly, highly recommend it to those who enjoy a little bit of sour.