Review of Chuck E Cheese, Dayton Mall Location, Ohio

My son turned six this year and for his birthday we decide to take him and his three year old brother to the local Chuck E Cheese location down by the Dayton Mall. My in-law’s had taken them previously and they had a wonderful time and all we had heard since was about them wanting to go back.

We packed up our family of five and headed out. When we arrived there was a line out the door of people waiting to get in. Several families had called ahead for reservations for birthday celebrations, and were shown to the front of the line. We waited about 30min. outside before making it in the front door. Once inside my family and I were stamped with a special black light ink number that matched, this is so you only take with you the kids you bring in. When we got inside we were instructed to a counter to place our food order. For $39.99, the Family Saver, we received a large one or two topping or specialty pizza, four drinks and 100 game tokens. I added to that an order of bread sticks and cinnamon sticks, bringing our total bill to $48.71. After placing our order we were instructed to a set of white balloons where a person would find us a seat. We were seated and the madness began.

When you entered the restaurant, and several places indoors, there were large signs that stated all children were to be accompanied, and supervised by an adult during their visit to this establishment. Once inside there were children everywhere. Now don’t get me wrong I expected there to be a large amount of children, it is a restaurant aimed and the younger generation. But these children were running everywhere and there was no where near enough adult supervision.

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After eating what can only be described as mediocre food, my husband and I took turns allowing our children to play the games and activities. We took turns so that we might keep our table and not have to carry around our five month old in a car seat. I took the first turn entering the madness. My kids first headed to the largest game with the longest line, I talked them into ski ball and a soccer game instead. We found an empty lane of ski ball right at the end next to the soccer game so both boys could play at once. This was fun for a while but kids want to try everything so onward we went. Next they found a water gun game like the ones you find at your local county fair. While my children were playing this I was approached by a small child of about 3-4 years of age, asking for money. I told him I had no money and continued to watch my children play; he then started reaching for the tickets that my children had won. I explained that I was with my children and that he should find his own mother and ask her for money, and that the tickets he was reaching for belonged to my children. We used the tokens I had taken from the table and it was then my husband’s turn to take the kids to play games.

At this time my infant decided that he was hungry and I went in search of hot water to make a bottle. I didn’t see a water fountain so I headed for the restroom, not my ideal place to get water for a bottle but in the chaos I figured it to be the easiest. I ran both sinks for at least a full minute trying for hot water. Then thinking I had the wrong handle I tried the other side. Just when I though the water could not get any colder, I was proven wrong. I don’t know how the employee’s get their hands clean with no hot water and the “Employee’s must wash hands before returning to work” sign on the back of the door led me to believe that this was their restroom as well. There was toilet paper on the floor and the trash can was running over. I ran down a manager to get the hot water I required.

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I returned to my table and my husband took the children to finish using the rest of the tokens. For our efforts and money we left the restaurant with five tootsie rolls, two Lick a Stick, an Air Head taffy, and a small plastic toy. The boys didn’t seem to have near the fun I had hoped and we left with a very unsatisfied feeling. I felt bad for my children, with good manners, who were apologizing to the adults who were rudely cutting them off and walking in front of them and for the child who on at least three occasions I could have picked up and walked off with because no one was watching him, he wasn’t even old enough to talk. “Where a Kid can be a Kid” my butt, where adults can dump their kids and hope someone else will watch them. I won’t be returning I will drive down. to Cincinnati and take my children to Dave Busters ® from now on; maybe they can afford hot water. First thing that entered my mind after leaving was Tim Wilson’s song Chuck E Cheese Hell, how fitting.
