Review of Cal-Organic Farms Organic Carrots

I have tried a number of different brands of organic carrots. I go through a lot of organic carrots because I use them in salads, which we have quite often, and I use them as a quick and healthy snack. One of my favorite snacks is carrots and peanut butter. Each time that I go to the grocery store I scan the organic carrots to see if there is a new brand of them that I have not tried. So far I have tried Private Selection Organic Carrots, Naturally Preferred Organic Carrots, Earthbound Farm Organic Carrots and most recently I found Cal-Organic Farms Organic Carrots. On the last shopping trip I had chosen a bag of organic carrots that I was perfectly happy with but I was interested in getting these carrots because they did not come in a bag and they still had their tops attached.

I had often passed over the carrots that still have their tops on because they often appear to be more expensive. These carrots were the same price that I would have paid for the cheapest bag of organic carrots. Seeing how the price being higher was not an issue there was no reason not to try these organic carrots out. I couldn’t believe the size of the tops on the Cal-Organic Farms Organic Carrots. The carrots were a gorgeous color and they tasted absolutely wonderful. I didn’t find having to cut off the tops to be a problem but I did notice that the carrots were not as clean as the ones that you find in bags. Having to wash the carrots though was not a big deal and if you were really bothered you could just take a vegetable peeler to them. I would say that this was really their only flaw. They did not last a very long time out of the bag, as a couple accidentally didn’t get put back in to the produce bag that I had got at the grocery store. However when in their prime these carrots were very, very good.

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I previously had tried another food item of Cal-Organic Farms and so I had visited their website. I discovered that they disclosed the nutrition facts of their foods and so I went to the web to look up exactly how good their carrots were for you. The serving size of a carrot is seventy eight grams, this translates into a seven inch carrot that is one and one forth in diameter. In such an amount there is thirty five calories with no calories from fat. Carrots are naturally high in sodium and these have forty milligrams of sodium in every serving. There are eight milligrams of carbohydrates, two grams of fiber, five grams of sugars and one gram of protein in each serving. Carrots are known for being a great source for vitamin A and so I wasn’t surprised to see that they have their vitamin A content listed at two hundred and seventy percent. In addition they also list vitamin C at ten percent and calcium at two percent. I though that their nutrition facts looked very, very good.

I don’t know if I will be getting these carrots again. It just depends if I can find them or not. Since I got the first bunch of carrots I have gone back to the grocery store but they were out of these carrots so I got a brand I previously had tried. If I can’t find these carrots each time that I go to the grocery store I won’t wait for them to come in again, but if they are a choice that I have I think that I will be inclined to get them again. I would recommend for any one to try these organic carrots out.