Review of Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo

Recently I was given a box of hair care and beauty products. Inside the box I stumbled upon a brand of items that I had never heard of before; Bumble and Bumble.

At first I assumed that this brand was just a cheap brand that my uncle picked up in a local dollar store in New York City. After looking Bumble and Bumble up online though, I was surprised to discover a different story. Bumble and Bumble is actually an expensive brand! I thought otherwise only because the products were not done up as nicely as they should of been; the labeling was what threw me off mostly though. It looked cheap.

One Bumble and Bumble item I wanted to try was Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo. Although the label on the bottle looked cheesy, the shampoo itself smelled fantastic.

The bottle itself was a milky nearly transparent white (you can see how much shampoo is left inside of the bottle). The labeling on the bottle is done up in a dark yellow, and the writing is black. I guess it’s supposed to resemble a bee or something. The cap is a push down cap, and is easy to use.

I had never in my life smelled anything like it. The shampoo smelled of light musk, it reminded me slightly of JOVAN, but much lighter. I really hoped that this lovely light musk scent would stick with me for a day or so after using it.

My Use:

In the shower I first wet my hair and then applied Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo. Sadly though, while applying the shampoo I could barely detect the light musk scent I smelled earlier.

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The shampoo itself is semi thick, and creates a really thick creamy lather.

After rinsing though my hair was left feeling pretty dry, and knotty. I knew that a good conditioner would take care of it, but I just thought I would note it to those who cannot stand that drying feeling some shampoos leave behind.


No better, no worse. Bumble and Bumble shampoo honestly did nothing for me. It didn’t leave behind a nice musk scent that I thought it would, nor did it add shine to my hair. I can honestly say that my hair actually looked and felt duller than it has in a long, long time. I know the conditioner didn’t play a part in the results, because I used a conditioner my hair knew, and liked…up until it got mixed with Bumble and Bumbles Gentle Shampoo.

Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo is designed for those with sensitive scalps though, and perhaps it’s lack of gorgeous results had something to do with that?


Bumble and Bumbles Gentle Shampoo is obviously not for me, or for those with hair types like mine (thick and unruly). I think perhaps it was a wee bit too gentle. I mean I could of just skipped on the shampoo and used conditioner and gotten the same results.


That’s where I have the biggest issue. Many sites online are selling Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo for $20.00 or more for an 8 ounce bottle. Not for nothing, but when I spend $20.00 on any hair care product, I expect that product to work miniature miracles. For me to re-purchase something at a high price like that, the product better deliver, and it must deliver wonders. Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo didn’t deliver anything for me.

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Sorry, no. I just can’t recommend something that didn’t do anything for me.