Review of a Lia Sophia Jewelry Home Party

I’ve mentioned before that home parties were something I never really enjoyed. Before I was married, I just couldn’t see the benefit of buying Tupperware. I wasn’t even cooking at that time! But now that home parties seem to be getting a little more trendy with cool things to offer like chocolate, shoes, and gorgeous jewelry, I really enjoy attending home parties. I now embrace them as a time to socialize with my girlfriends, meet new people, and shop! I’ve even started hosting a few parties and it is a lot of fun.

Among the many that I’ve been to (and turned down because there were so many home parties going on!) Lia Sophia Jewelry is one of my favorites. As my girlfriend, Deb, puts it, it’s like a dress up party for big girls.

When my girlfriend, Georgette, hosted a party, many of the gals from work were more than happy to go. Deb, our friend and advisor, had her personal jewelry displayed on a table with pretty accents and a gorgeous vase with a beautiful necklace draped around it as a center piece. After a brief history on the Lia Sophia Company, Deb showed a few of her favorite pieces and then told us to have a ball. For a few hours, us ladies gathered around Georgette’s house trying on jewelry, staring in the mirror and picking things out for each other. We really know each other that well that we know each other’s likes and dislikes!

The quality of Lia Sophia’s jewelry truly is top notch and each piece is unique. Some home party jewelry companies have pieces all in the same style, but not Lia Sophia. There are gold pieces, silver pieces, and pieces that are gold on the front and silver on the back. And the colors of the stones vary as well. There’s a piece of jewelry to match every outfit, and trust me, everything is so beautiful, you’ll one of each. Many of the necklaces have matching rings and/or earrings which make them even more resistible! There are so many great things to get, my girlfriends and I actually had to put sticky notes on each page of the catalog that contained something we liked so we wouldn’t have to keep going through it!

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Part of what makes Lia Sophia so desirable is that each piece of jewelry is reasonable priced between $20-something, all the way up to around $100 dollars and all of their jewelry comes with a lifetime guarantee. If something happens to it, you can return it to get another one exactly the same if it is still available, or something comparable, if not. Plus every few months, the catalog changes, enticing you to buy new pieces!

Lia Sophia’s sales will keep you from feeling guilty about your jewelry purchases. The last few parties that I’ve been to, they offered “Buy two, get four half price.” The best part? You can make your first two pieces the cheapest selections, and the other four the most expensive. I got a beautiful black, dressy necklace for only $23. I am not sure I could get that in Macy’s Department store with a sale and a coupon! (please note that sales vary from month to month so be sure to ask an advisor what the current special is.

If you host a party, you’ll do better than any home party you’ll ever have. You get:

-20% of your Show sales in FREE jewelry credits.
-Four items at a special Hostess bonus prices. ($15 unless otherwise noted.)
-Two items at half price.
-An additional item at half price when you purchase from a Show booked at yours.
-Have 10 orders and 2 dated bookings from your Show and get 40% of your Show sales in jewelry credit for only $15.

It’s was well worth hosting a party for both of my friends since they both accumulated around $500 in free jewelry. Think of how many things you can get!

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I know I plan on hosting a party in February 2008 when the next new Lia Sophia catalog comes out. If you decide you’d like to too, there are plenty of fun things you can do to make it a blast:

-Recruit your girlfriends to get all dressed up and sport Lia Sophia jewelry, and host a fashion show right in your own living room.
-Recruit your friend’s young daughters to wear the jewelry. Let them put their hair up and put glittery hair products in it and let them wear make-up and feather boa. Seven to eight year old girls just love getting fancied up.
-Choose your fanciest tops and dresses and hang them around the room where the home party will be. Pair them up with necklaces and bracelets that match to give your guest a better idea what the jewelry will like with various outfits.
-Play a game
-Hold a mystery hostess party which can be done in one of two ways. Either invite your family and friends to your home and put each of their names into a hat. Draw 1 person’s name and that person will be the mystery hostess who will get all the free jewelry and other perks for the evening. Or, total up the number of sales for the evening, and tally how many pieces of free jewelry will be given away that evening. Let’s say 20 pieces would normally go to the hostess. Put all your attendees names in a hat and draw 1 person at a time, until 20 people have each received a piece of jewelry. If you have less than 20 people at the party, some people may receive 2 free pieces. Doing it this way allows most of your guests to win a free piece of jewelry.

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Lia Sophia really is one of the best jewelry lines I’ve seen. And my friends and co-workers agree. I think between all of us, we have most of the current catalog! Check it out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. To see the current catalog, visit: and click on “Our Jewelry,” then pick the catalog you want to view. Enjoy!
