Review: Herbalife Diet

Herbalife is one of the largest and most successful diet and weight loss sellers around. The company has been in business for over 25 years. According to the New York Stock Exchange, the company is worth in excess of 2.1 billion dollars which makes it a significant leader in the weight loss and diet word. They distribute their weight loss products in over 50 countries worldwide. However, despite their great popularity, the general population seems to see very few long term results from using their supplements. I believe that this lack of success is not due to the plan itself but rather the dedication and knowledge of the participants.

The Herbalife plan can be successful and it can be rolled into long term healthy eating if the participant is dedicated. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who suffer weight gain do so because of unhealthy eating habits and very little knowledge of true nutrition. When they make the decision to loose weight they do not educate themselves on the entire picture but instead feel the supplements should miraculously make them loose the weight with ease. Yes, a few people report success with their diet plans but then they suffer the yo-yo effect and they seem to gain it all right back. One has to wonder if the diet supplements were the aid to enable them to loose the weight or if they simply used it as a crash diet with the typical crash diet results. If you use the Herbalife plan and you mix it with a basic knowledge of healthy nutrition and exercise then you will see success that will be long term.

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According the Herbalife plan you simply drink two shakes a day, you can have two snacks a day, you have a sensible meal, and then you take three vitamin supplements per day. You work with a distributor who will plan out your calorie intake and protein requirements. This distributor is suppose to be with you every step of the way for support and to lend assistance with the products and your plan. One of the main drawbacks to the plan is that it can get quite expensive by the time you buy the various shakes, supplements, and snacks. I do like the fact that you have a distributor work with you but I know that some are more dedicated then others and some are more knowledgeable so this can also be a drawback.

If a person takes the time to learn a bit about nutrition such as their protein requirements and fiber intake which they will mix with the shakes and snacks of Herbalife then they will have success with this diet just based on a true and sensible diet that is nutritious and filling. However, if the person has no real knowledge of nutrition and simply uses the shakes and snacks while starving themselves and not eating nutritiously then they will be setting themselves up to fail. Hopefully the distributor will offer some aid to this situation and have some knowledge but in many cases this is simply not the situation so the dieter suffers from a lack of knowledge.

Herbalife claims for their diet to be effective you will eat a low protein, low carbohydrate, and low fat diet. You will maintain your calories around 1200-1500 per day.

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I think that in order to have success you must focus on good all around nutrition and a strong exercise program. This is the only way to successfully loose weight and to keep it off for the long haul.

I suppose that if you like shakes and you can maintain this diet for a long time with the shakes then you will see results. It will be your choice if the weight stays off over time, however, or if you will be simply yo-yo dieting.

The basis of the entire Herbalife diet plan is not bad and could prove successful but it will take knowledge and dedication. I suppose that this could be said of virtually any diet plan, however.

To have true success with the Herbalife plan you need to dedicate yourself to nutritious and healthy eating with a wonderful exercise program . With this combination you will have success and it will be a long term success unlike so many crash diets.

If you are interested in learning more about Herbalife please visit the official Herbalife website.