Review: Chicco Trevi Twin Double Stroller

After the birth of my second son, I found myself in desperate need of a double stroller, if I ever wanted to leave the house, that is. For the first few months of the new baby’s life, I pushed my oldest son in our single stroller and wore the baby in a sling or wrap. He’s not a tiny baby by any means, but I just loved wearing him. Once his head support (and weight!) increased, I knew it was time to do my research and decide on a tandem stroller for the pair of them.

After talking to other moms, reading reviews online and pushing various strollers down the aisles in the baby store, I decided on the Chicco Trevi Twin double stroller, which is also the company’s newest double stroller. I have owned (and loved) Chicco baby products in the past, they are a name I have come to trust, plus I adore their modern styling, so I decided to purchase this model.

Our Trevi Twin is a great orange and gray color. I just love it! It’s perfect for my two boys, without inundating me with even more blue. The stroller features a 5-point harness which is great for smaller babies, although my 2 year old son typically asks not to be strapped in. Sometimes I put the shoulder straps behind his back, if we are in a store with breakables, near water, etc. There is also an adjustable leg rest on each seat; it’s perfect for babies and when folded down, it provides a little extra comfort for toddlers. The seats are quite cushy and they also conveniently recline to various heights; my boys have taken numerous on-the-go naps in this stroller.

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There are two large baskets underneath for storing shopping bags, diaper bags or whatever you might need for your children. There are also two good-sized pouches behind each sunshade that I use to hold hand sanitizer, extra baby wipes, keys, sunblock and spare cash.

I put the stroller together myself in about two minutes. It was so simple, you just have to snap on the three front wheels, attach the sunshades and cupholder and you’re done! It’s also extremely easy to open and close, just as easy as my single umbrella-style stroller. It also folds up just as quickly and easily, and there is a plastic piece on the side that snaps the stroller closed. The stroller also has a handle on the side for carrying, it’s padded, and weighing only 23 lbs., it really is fairly easy to lift in and out of the back of my car.

The best part is the cupholder! I’ve had little luck finding an umbrella stroller with a cup holder in the past and I never understood why each and every one of them didn’t include one. It’s so handy, and so necessary!

It’s easy to push, it turns smoothly and it fits through every doorway as well as easily down crowded aisles. We use in inside, as well as outside on grass, concrete and everything in between. I couldn’t be happier with this double stroller.