Chicco C6 Stroller Review

I purchased the Chicco C6 Stroller for approximately $70 at an online store. The Chicco C6 Stroller is an updated version of the older Chicco Capri, and it’s also sometimes referred to as the Chicco Ct 0.6.

I bought this stroller because I wanted something smaller than my travel system and jogging stroller. I was hoping for something easy to maneuver through crowded stores, lightweight enough to lift into my midsize SUV with one hand, and compact. In addition, I was hoping for something with a few more features than the standard $20 umbrella stroller.


The Chicco C6 Stroller arrived already assembled in the box. The only assembly required of me was attaching the canopy. Oddly enough, I found the instructions for this step to be mildly confusing. After checking the photo on the box, however, I was able to properly attach the canopy with a little effort.

The overall quality of the Chicco C6 Stroller is very high. The aluminum frame seemed quite sturdy. The fabric used on the stroller and canopy was quite thick and durable. The mesh storage basket underneath the stroller seat was a bit flimsy. However, since it was also small, it was unlikely to ever carry much weight.

The other components-the brakes, handlebars, zippers and footrest-were all of very good quality considering the price point of this stroller.


The Chicco C6 Stroller had numerous features that made it more attractive than the standard umbrella stroller.

The mesh storage basket underneath the stroller seat-though flimsy-is an extra feature not usually seen on umbrella strollers. Although it was too small to hold very much, I could usually fit a light child’s jacket, a bottle of water, and one or two small shopping bags inside it. It was hard to access if the stroller seat was reclined, however.

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The Chicco C6 Stroller canopy is also a feature that’s usually absent on umbrella strollers. It’s much bigger than you’d expect, and it did a great job of shielding my child from the sun’s harmful rays. In fact, it could be pulled down in front of my baby’s face, which allowed me to adjust the shade based on the location of the sun. My one complaint is that the canopy usually popped off the frame whenever I folded the stroller. I would have preferred if the canopy had stayed on the frame instead of falling off.

Two other unusual and useful features of the Chicco C6 Stroller is the 5-point harness (most umbrella strollers only have a 3-point harness) and the reclining seat. Although some might think the 5-point harness is overkill, I found it extremely useful. It allowed me to use the Chicco C6 Stroller when my baby was still quite small, thus extending the life of this stroller. The padded shoulder straps seemed to be quite comfortable for my baby. The reclining seat also seemed comfortable for her. The seat reclines only slightly-just a few inches or so-but it was far enough to allow my child to take a nap. The reclining mechanism was a zipper on each side of the seat, which struck me as both ingenious and practical.


I was extremely pleased with the overall performance of the Chicco C6 Stroller. The stroller was easy to handle. In fact, I could handle it with one hand if necessary. It turned on a dime and was small enough to fit through even crowded stores.

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I’ve read reviews of people who had problems “kicking” the wheels of the Chicco C6 Stroller. This happened to me a few times, usually if I was walking too close to the stroller. However, in my normal stride, I had no problems with kicking the wheels. I am below average height, however, and have small feet.

Folding it up was a very simple process, although the latch that kept the stroller open was a bit too tight for me to undo with my foot. I usually had to use my hand to unlatch it when I wanted to fold the stroller. But I felt this was a minor quibble. In fact, it made me feel secure that the Chicco C6 Stroller was not going to accidentally fold up when my child was inside.

The balance of the Chicco C6 Stroller was excellent, too. I often hung a few shopping bags off the handles. The stroller never felt as if it were going to tip backwards.

Latching the Chicco C6 Stroller closed was a bit of a problem and I was unable to do it with one hand. The latch was very, very tight. This was not a problem for me, however, because I rarely carried the stroller around, so it wasn’t necessary for me to latch it. Usually I just folded it up and tossed it in the back of my SUV without bothering with the latch. Mommies with smaller vehicles might want to actually latch it closed, and it can be a bit of a hassle to do so.

The Chicco C6 Stroller didn’t fold up as small as some umbrella strollers. It still had a bit of weight, length and width to it. However, it folded up much smaller than a typical standard stroller, so it fit my needs. It easily fit into the trunk of my spouse’s sedan. It only weighs 11 pounds, so I could easily handle it with one hand.

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When folded, the canopy can get dirty from the wheels. But I found the canopy fabric easily wiped clean.

There are no cupholders on the Chicco C6 Stroller, nor is there a snack tray for the child. However, this is common among umbrella strollers, so I didn’t consider it a defect. (I did end up buying clip-on cup holders, however.)


Overall, I highly recommend the Chicco C6 Stroller. It’s much nicer than the standard umbrella stroller and has useful additional features. But it’s still pretty small and lightweight, and it’s very easy to handle. Mommies looking for a better-than-basic umbrella stroller for a reasonable price would do well to consider the Chicco C6 Stroller. The only exception might be taller folks, who could have issues with kicking the wheels.