Retro Kitchen Curtains You Didn’t Know You Had

Retro kitchens are a hugely popular trend in kitchens today. If you spent all yoru money on those new retro looking kitchen appliances, then here are some ideas for basically free retro kitchen curtains you didn’t even know you had.

Retro Table Cloths

For these retro kitchen curtains all you need is one retro tablecloth per window and two push pins. Simply iron your vintage tablecloth nice and crisp and flat.

Now, pin the retro tablecloth to the window frame. Center the tablecloth in the window. If your table cloth is to large or two small this will be the neatest fit you can do. You can allow extra fabric to hang down on either side.

For more privacy with sheer retro tablecloths, try folding them over and pining into place.

Retro Napkins

Retro fabric dinner napkins are perfect as shabby chic window treatments. Most people love to collect and use retro table clothes, but then the fabric napkins can sit unused in a drawer for years.

Simply break out those retro fabric napkins and give them good ironing.

Now, start in the middle of your kitchen window. Fold each napkin in half and pin the left and right point into the frame to the window at the top.

You can also use café clips and clip retro napkins and slide them onto a café rod or curtain rod.

Retro Appliances

Small retro appliances make fun vintage window treatments. You have a few options here.

You can add some small shelves to the fronts of your windows, attaching the brackets to each side of the wood window frame. Load up the small shelves with retro appliances to block out some of the window and give a little privacy.

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Smaller retro appliances like vintage hand juices, vintage measuring cups, vintage egg beaters, and even vintage wood spoons can be hung at the top of the kitchen window on small tea cup hooks.

The look is a makeshift vintage window valance and a fun way to display any vintage collection.

Retro Aprons

To make these retro curtains all you need is some twine, push pins, clothespins, and a few vintage aprons. Simply run a string of twine along the top or middle of your kitchen window. Hold in place with pushpins.

Now, along the twine use yoru clothes pins to hang a row of vintage aprons.

The retro aprons will give you some privacy while covering your kitchen window. The great thing is yoru rarely find the same retro kitchen apron twice, so your vintage curtains will have a whimsical eclectic look!
