Remove Permanent Marker Stains

For some unknown reason, children love to write on themselves with markers. Not only themselves, but also walls, tables and anything else they can reach! As far as writing on themselves goes, that seems to continue on through high school even. When my teenaged daughter comes home from school with designs drawn on her arms in permanent marker, it is just as hard to remove as my toddler’s scribbles on the walls. Here are ten tips on the best ways to remove permanent marker stains from your children, your walls and anything else.

Tip 1 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

One way to remove permanent marker from skin is to use non-acetone fingernail polish remover. Take a cotton swab or cotton ball and saturate it with the remover. Swipe the cotton ball over the marks and it should remove them. If any marks remain, take another cotton ball and repeat the process. After the stain has been removed, wash the area with soap and water and pat dry.

Tip 2 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

If your child has sensitive skin or you do not wish to use polish remover, try using baby oil or vegetable oil. Use the same process as the polish remover. This may take more scrubbing but should remove the stains.

Tip 3 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

Both hairspray and rubbing alcohol can be used to help remove permanent marker stains from skin. Hairspray should be sprayed directly on the stain and allowed to dry. Then, wash it off and the mark should disappear. Rubbing alcohol should be applied in the same manner as the polish remover.

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Tip 4 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

To remove permanent marker stains from furniture or other hard surfaces, try toothpaste! Not the gel kind, use the plain white paste. Squeeze some toothpaste onto the area and scrub with a damp cloth in a circular motion. The stain should lift away although you may have to apply the paste more than once. Rinse the area with clean water to remove any residue of the toothpaste.

Tip 5 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will work on many permanent marker stains. Follow the directions on the product’s box and watch the stains lift away! Be careful using this on painted walls as the paint may also be rubbed away.

Tip 6 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

Take a damp cloth and dip it in baking soda. Then rub the soda on the marks and scrub gently. This should lift the marks away on most furniture and hard surfaces.

Tip 7 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

Use a dry erase marker! I know, it seems odd. Get a normal dry erase marker and completely cover the permanent marker stains. Allow the marker to dry completely. Now, wipe away the dry erase marker and the permanent marker should wipe away with it. You may need to do this more than once to get the stains to disappear completely.

Tip 8 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

Rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover and hairspray will work on hard surfaces as well as skin. Spray or apply the cleaner and wipe away the stains.

Tip 9 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

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Lysol disinfectant spray is a useful tool for removing permanent marker stains. And it disinfects, too! Spray the area of the stain liberally with the Lysol. Allow the spray to set for a few minutes and then wipe away the stains. You may need to repeat this for remaining stains.

Tip 10 For Removing Permanent Marker Stains

For fabric, you may want to try using laundry soap. Sprinkle it on the area of the fabric with the marks and rub with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Another thing to try is the rubbing alcohol, in moderation, or perfume. Apply tot he area in a small amount and rub with a paper towel. The stains should come out.