Remedies for a Toddler with Diarrhea

Have a toddler with an upset stomach? A baby that is on solid food and has diarrhea? Here are a few things you can do to ease the problem.

If you have an infant that only drinks breast milk or bottles, call your doctor immediately if your child has more than one loose stool. If your toddler or infant has a stool with blood or mucus call your doctor immediately. These are signs that something a little more problematic than an upset stomach may be going on with your child. Any time a child has diarrhea longer than a day you should call your pediatrician.

The best remedy for diarrhea in children is prevention. Most diarrhea is from viral infections. Children tend to not wash hands and put everything in their mouths. Viral infections are caused by germs. Washing toys and cleaning surfaces children are going to touch as well as washing hands will help kill the germs. If your child does have a bout with diarrhea, keeping him or her at home away from other children will help cut down on the spread of the virus.

When anyone has diarrhea, dehydration is always a scare. Children especially need re-hydrating because they forget to drink and eat if they are playing or sick. Choose your sick child’s drink carefully. Too much sugar will just cause more trips to the bathroom and not keep fluid and electrolytes in your child.

You can use re-hydration solutions such as Pedialyte, ReSol, or store brand names. According to you can make a solution of one teaspoon sugar, a pinch of salt, and one quart water. Go easy on the salt because you can make matters worse if you overload a baby under one year old on sodium. If a child will not drink what you offer because they do not like it, the important thing is to get fluids in them with some type of sustenance.

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Food is also an important factor. Restrict the child’s diet for one or two days. You want your child to eat bland foods. Some of the best foods to give them are plain toast, chicken without skin, jell-o, and broth is also a good idea. Giving them salty soup will help make them thirsty, thus, they will drink. Giving your child plain bread will also make their tummy feel better. Doctors suggest a clear diet.

After a bout with diarrhea, your child will need to replenish their bacteria. Yogurt is also a very good food for your child to eat. He or she will enjoy their treat while eating healthy.

A toddler will have accidents and be upset about their set back. Although you will want them to wear a diaper while this is going on, do not put one on them. Put old towels or blankets on the floor for them to sit on and play. Let them know that this type of accident happens to everyone while they are sick. Give lots of encouragement and hugs. With these remedies your child will be feeling better in no time.