Become Pregnant at Your Next Ovulation

You would be surprised how many women miss their best time to become pregnant: this is the exact time of ovulation. The best time only lasts for 1-2 days in a month (for women whose ovulation runs monthly). But for most women after 35yrs ovulation can occur once in a few months. And the older you get the rarer your ovulation happens.

There are many artificial methods that pinpoint your ovulation- like urine test, saliva test and the like. But not all of them are very accurate in giving you the exact time of ovulation; sometimes it is too late when they show positive.

For many women using a natural ovulation method is much more reliable in showing their fertile time then any of the artificial devices. One of these natural fertility methods is watching for changes in cervical mucus. As ovulation approaches your cervical mucus changes to a more fertile egg white in consistency mucus. This helps sperm to swim through better and faster. After ovulation your cervical mucus changes back to a normal less fertile consistency.

So when your cervical mucus is egg white in consistency – your ovulation time is approaching. This is the best time to have sex if you want to become pregnant. But remember this time can last 1-2 days only so being precise in pinpointing the exact time is important.

Checking cervical mucus can be a problem for some women but it is really easy if you know how.

First you need to start by washing your hands properly. Then find a comfortable position (better sitting down or squatting). Insert your middle or index finger inside the vagina. Getting the sample from near the cervix is ideal. When you remove your finger from the vagina you can inspect the mucus.

See also  The Best Time to Get Pregnant

The fertile mucus is wet, watery, and stretchy and looks like raw egg white. All other different variations of mucus are non-fertile mucus. If the mucus is sticky and thin then you are not ovulating yet, creamy and white means ovulation is coming but not yet, if watery but not very stretchy means ovulation is finished.

With practise it will became easier to identify what kind of mucus you are dealing with. Generally speaking after seeing each kind of mucus at least twice you will be able to pinpoint the fertile mucus precisely.

There are some conditions that can change the consistency of your cervical mucus and you should be aware about them if you are observing your cervical mucus in order to become pregnant.

These conditions are:

1.When you are sexually aroused the consistency of your cervical mucus can be very similar to consistency of fertile mucus. This can be very confusing when you do the observation.

2. POCD can give a false impression of fertile mucus. Women with this condition can have fertile looking mucus during the cycle. If you have POCD don’t rely on the cervical mucus method for pinpointing your ovulation.

3. When you take antihistamines your cervical mucus can become dry even in fertile period. Don’t rely on this method if you take antihistamines.

4. Women with a condition called “hostile cervical mucus” never experience fertile mucus or may have it rarely. Be aware of this condition if you never notice wet, egg-white consistency in your mucus.

See also  Top 5 DIY Tips to Improve Cervix Mucous

5. After menstruation some women can experience mucus that looks like fertile but it isn’t a sign of approaching ovulation.

To confirm that ovulation is approaching make sure that you have other signs of ovulation also. These signs are: increased sexual desire, increase in body basal temperature, breast tenderness and changes in cervical position. When you are sure that ovulation is approaching, you need to make time for baby-making sex.

To conclude: you can become pregnant soon (right at your next ovulation time) but you need to identify this day precisely and do all the right actions in order to conceive. When the method is done correctly it can increase your chances of becoming pregnant by 65%, but it is better to study the method before trying, simply to make sure you understand it perfectly.

It is always better to use natural methods to increase your fertility before you consider any serious medical intervention. To learn more about how to become pregnant go to
