Relief for Sinus Headaches


A sinus headache is the result of the sinuses becoming congested or blocked. Sinuses can become blocked for numerous reasons and the headache that accompanies this can be severely painful and
could potentially turn into an infection. If you have been suffering with a sinus headache for more than a
week you will definitely want to speak with your doctor who will be able to prescribe you an antibiotic. Classic symptoms of an infection include yellow or greenish discharge when you blow your nose, a bad taste in your mouth, you have had a headache non stop for many days, and you may experience pain in your ears or teeth.

Below I will describe ways to ease the pain of a sinus headache, this is all information I have gained by dealing with them personally and things that work for me may not have the same affect on you. Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor I am just sharing my experiences in the hopes that they may help someone else out.

  • Tylenol sinus has always worked well for me. I have tried many different brands claiming to relieve sinus pain and they have all fell short. My second option is Claritin, it does work well for sinus pain but I find even the non-drowsy version makes me sleepy.
  • Try a nasal rinse, they are very cheap, simple to use and nothing can beat their effectiveness.I recommend using one the day of the headache and a few days afterwards then switching to once or
    twice a week just to keep things clear. I simply can not tell you how great they are, with regular use they have really cut down on the occurrences of my sinus problems.
  • Take a hot shower or sit in the bathroom while the shower is running, the steam helps loosen up the mucus. Also you can find eye masks at any local drugstore, they can be used cold or warm. For a sinus headache you will want to use warmth to ease pain, simply run the mask under warm water for a few minutes and it is ready to use. (Do not make it hot enough to burn your skin)
  • Stay hydrated, this will make it easier for your sinuses to drain. Aim to drink more water than normal, a cup of hot tea is a good idea also as the steam can help loosen up mucus too.
  • Try elevating your head with some pillows while you sleep. This will help your sinuses drain better. You may also want to run a humidifier while you sleep, they are good for many things other than just sinus headaches so its always a good idea.
  • Last but not least, rest as much as you can!
See also  Using a Neti Pot to Relieve Sinus Pressure

I hope that this article can help someone else out there suffering with one of these headaches. If you have
tried everything and just can’t seem to get rid of the headache please call you doctor as it may be
something more serious.