Red Robin Versus Burger King & McDonald’s

Who is better – the fast food juggernauts Burger King and McDonald’s or the sit-down restaurant Red Robin? The answer shall be determined in this four round fight. McDonald’s, Burger King and Red Robin will be judged on the factors of time, food quality, beverage selection and cost. Whatever restaurant stands tall at the end will be known as the real burger king!

Round 1 – Time
Burger King and McDonald’s are not called fast food for no reason. If you are in a rush Burger King or McDonald’s is your best bet for a meal. You don’t even need to leave your car. You can get your food via the drive-thru and get going to where you need to be. If time is an issue for you, Red Robin will just be another obstacle in your day. For a sit-down restaurant Red Robin is pretty timely with getting you your food shortly after ordering but you will still spend a nice chunk of time inside the restaurant. Due to the convenience factor, Burger King and McDonald’s get the nod over Red Robin in round one.

Round 2 – Food Quality
In regards to food quality, there is no comparison between Red Robin and the fast food restaurant kingpins. No Whopper or Big Mac could compare to the large, flavorful gourmet burgers Red Robin has to offer; not even a super-sized fast food burger. There is nothing on McDonald’s or Burger King’s menu which could match Red Robin’s Bleu Ribbon Burger (a burger topped with tasty steak sauce, crumbled Bleu cheese, onion straws, lettuce, tomatoes, and Chipotle mayo on an onion bun) or Red Robin’s A.1 Peppercorn Burger (a burger topped with smoked bacon, Pepper-Jack cheese, an A.1 peppercorn spread, onion straws, and tomatoes on an onion bun). Round two easily goes to Red Robin.

See also  Burger King Angry Whopper is Exciting and Delicious

Round 3 – Beverage Selection
Burger King and McDonald’s offer the same ordinary drink menu – soda and Hi-C. Red Robin offers a variety of drinks beyond the typical soft drinks. There are a number of alcoholic beverages on the Red Robin menu for those over 21. But what makes Red Robin’s drink menu better than Burger King or McDonald’s is Red Robin’s bottomless Freckled Lemonade. The Freckled Lemonade is well worth the $3.99 price tag. Other Red Robin bottomless drinks you can try for the same price are the Peachy Keen Splash and Berry Raspberry Limeade. Thanks to Red Robin’s special bottomless drinks, Red Robin takes the advantage over Burger King and McDonald’s in round three in the battle to crown the real burger king.

Round 4 – Cost
Burger King and McDonald’s even up the tide in round four. Red Robin can’t compare to the prices of the fast food restaurants. For less then $5 you can get a complete meal for yourself at Burger King or McDonald’s. $5 won’t get you much of anything at Red Robin. Most Red Robin burgers cost anywhere from $9 to $10. The cheapest burger on the Red Robin menu is the Natural Burger at the price of $7.79. In addition you are going to have to tip your Red Robin’s waiter/waitress. You will be paying for quality at Red Robin but the cheap price tags of Burger King and McDonald’s gives the fast food restaurants the advantage when it comes to cost.

The Final Score
The 2-2 tie means both restaurant styles (fast food and sit down) have their advantages. If you are looking to squeeze a quick meal into your busy day your best bet is to go to Burger King or McDonald’s. If you are looking to have a quality sit-down meal with your friends or family Red Robin is the place to go. Burger King, McDonald’s, nor Red Robin will be crowned the real burger king. The bottom line is the best restaurant to go to will depend on the situation you are in.

See also  The Top 3 Burger Joints in Conroe, TX

*The Red Robin’s menu used as reference in this article is from the Red Robin located in Orange Ville, OH.

