Recycling Parmesan Cheese Shakers

Do you buy those plastic parmesan cheese containers which are designed to let the user shake or pour out the cheese? With the price of that cheese wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a little money back? You can, sort of, when you recycle one or more parmesan cheese shakers.

Boxes which are perforated, and you push on the perforation to “Open Here”, are aggravating. If you don’t break your thumbnail when you open them you soon see they don’t really close all that well. A good example of such a box is one which contains baking soda. These types of boxed goods can be stored in parmesan cheese containers and shaken out when needed.

If you purchase large bags or boxes of sugar, powdered sugar or flour, but you use it in small amounts, the parmesan cheese shaker is perfect. The shaker holes allow you to simply powder things with sugar or flour and the wider opening lets you easily pour out the contents.

It’s really easy to make a new label for the parmesan cheese shaker. Go online and you’ll find any number of images, tags and templates you can print from your computer. If you want to change the look of the shaker even more paint the lid, wrap the jar with wide ribbon or otherwise embellish it.

There are lots of uses for a parmesan cheese container in the kitchen but that’s not the only place where it is useful. The cheese shaker is great for people who love to craft. Fill the canister with glitter, beads, fake snow, confetti and similar things and you can sprinkle the craft supplies onto desired projects.

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Take yarn leftover from various knitting or crocheting projects and roll it into small balls. Place one or more balls in the cheese container then thread the end of the yarn through one of the holes of the shaker. It’s easy to carry this dispenser around with you as you work on small knitting or crocheting crafts. This is especially handy for kids just learning how to do needlework.

You don’t necessarily have to use the parmesan cheese container as a dispenser for another item. Remove the lid, cover the outside with fabric, and cut it way too large. Tuck the excess down inside the canister and you can use this decorated jar as a desk organizer, as a vase or even to hold combs in the bathroom.

If you love Italian food, and you use a lot of parmesan cheese, think twice before throwing yet another one of those containers in the trash. They’re quite handy; just rinse them out and reuse them around the house.


  • Cheap craft supplies here: Do you buy those plastic parmesan cheese containers which are designed to let the user shake or pour out the cheese? With the price of that cheese wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a little money back? You can, sort of, when you recycle one or more parmesan cheese shakers.