Recognizing Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy. Most women have at least some symptoms during their pregnancy. Some women are lucky enough to only have one or two, and some are unlucky enough to experience every one of the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the first week after conception, however it is more likely that symptoms will start around the time you are 6 weeks pregnant, which is about 4 weeks after conception or 2 weeks after the first day of your missed period.

The first real pregnancy symptom you will experience is a missed period. Some women have symptoms before their period is missed, but most home pregnancy tests will not show an accurate positive result until at least the first day of a missed period.

The next pregnancy symptom you may experience is tender, swollen or painful breasts. Usually, this symptom shows up around the time you have missed your period, however, some women experience this symptom within the first week after conception. This is cause by the rising levels in hormones which are necessary to sustain a pregnancy. However, this may also be a sign of PMS. Though the symptoms you’ll have during your pregnancy will be more pronounced than PMS symptoms.

Within the first week to 12 days after conception, you may experience a little bleeding. This may be caused by implantation of the egg into the lining of the uterus. The bleeding is usually very slight, pinkish in color, and might be present on toilet paper while going to the bathroom or on your underwear. It is usually not enough to even cover a panty liner, but some women have described it as being similar to a light period.

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Morning sickness is probably the most unpleasant symptom of pregnancy. Although it’s called morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can attack at any time of the day, sometimes all day long. This symptom usually shows up between the 6th and 8th week of pregnancy. It is caused by a surge in hormones in the first trimester. Usually after the 12th to 14th week of pregnancy, morning sickness will start to taper off. Some women have morning sickness throughout their pregnancy, which can also be normal. It is ok if you do not experience morning sickness at all; it does not necessarily mean you are not producing enough hormones. Consider yourself lucky. If you are concerned, you should discuss it with your doctor. Keep in mind, pregnancies vary from one to another, so if you experienced severe morning sickness in a previous pregnancy, if does not necessarily mean your subsequent pregnancies will be the same.

Food aversions and cravings usually happen around the same time that you start to experience morning sickness. The smell of cooking bacon or hamburgers may send you running to the bathroom while the site of a tuna fish sandwich may make your mouth water. Many women have to have a particular food at every meal in order to be satisfied and keep their stomachs settled.

Frequent urination is a common pregnancy symptom. Most women think the urge to run to the bathroom occurs late in pregnancy due to the increase in the size of the baby. However, it is common for women to begin having frequent urination as early as 6 weeks because of the increase in bodily fluids that occurs during pregnancy. These fluids must be processed by the kidneys and deposited into your bladder. The urge to urinate will only increase as pregnancy goes along and your baby begins to grow. Especially in the late third trimester, you may be running to the bathroom throughout the day and night.

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Constipation and heartburn are also unfortunate symptoms of pregnancy. This can occur at any time from the very beginning of pregnancy, to the very end. It is yet another symptom that is caused by the increase in hormones. These hormones automatically slow down the movement of a woman’s bowels. The best way to avoid constipation is to drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of fiber. Always talk to your pre-natal care provider before starting any type of fiber supplement.

Weight gain is a necessity while you are pregnant. Weight gain will begin the late first trimester with only a few pounds. The majority of your weight gain will occur in the second and third trimesters. Most women begin to show around 12 to 20 weeks. It just depends on a woman’s body type and size at the time of pregnancy.

Backaches are common for some women. As the pelvic area begins to stretch, probably in the second trimester, your back may begin to ache or feel maladjusted. Some doctors recommend massage or chiropractic care, but always talk to your pre-natal care provider before seeking any of this type of alternative care.Some other common pregnancy symptoms include nosebleeds, caused by an increase in blood flow during the pregnancy, mood swings, headaches, and fatigue. All these symptoms usually occur between 6 and 8 weeks of pregnancy.

None of the symptoms mentioned above are pleasant, but remember that you are creating a life and it will be over in 9 months.

There are some wonderful symptoms of pregnancy as well. It is a great feeling to have a life growing inside your body. A heartbeat can usually be seen with an ultrasound around 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, you should begin to feel fluttering and light kicking from the fetus. At 28 weeks you should be able to feel your baby kicking several times per hour.

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All women are different in when their pregnancy symptoms begin or start at all. However, all concerns should always be discussed with your pre-natal care provider in order to ensure a happy, healthy pregnancy.