Reasons Why Your Teen Shouldn’t Work After School

Any parent who raises teenagers knows that there’s never quite enough money for their kids’ many financial “needs”. As a result, parents have given their stamp of approval whenever their teenagers have asked to work at part-time jobs after school. Although working during the summer months is an excellent idea, parents should reconsider the consequences of continuing working once school begins, especially if their teen struggles in any of his (or her) studies.

What’s wrong with earning a little extra cash? Don’t teens need money? And after all, most parents aren’t rich, you argue.

However, do teenagers actually need as much money as they think they do? If truth be known, much of the money earned by teens goes for stuff they really don’t need. There’s a vast difference between “needs” and “wants.”

These are questions you need to sit down and discuss with your teens to make sure they have their feet on the ground before taking on an after school job. If they still insist on working, point out some of the negatives such as….

*It takes away from their studies- It seems too many teenagers are suffering scholastically because of after school jobs. A part-time job may start out promising to be flexible, but often that’s not the case. Many a teen has left late at night at a job, and not been able to remain alert the next day in class. Unfortunately, too many teenagers are suffering scholastically because of after school jobs. Stress to them how it’s more important they use their time focusing on doing their best in their studies so they can get into a good college.

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*It limits your after school activities—-Committing to an after school job takes away time they could be involved in after school activities. Besides good grades, colleges also look for extracurricular activities when accepting students into their schools.

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t earn any money while in high school. We all know how kids need money. Instead of working for a fast food restaurant or bagging groceries, why not encourage your teen to earn money doing work that isn’t as demanding on his time. In other words, why not work for yourself where you have more freedom over your schedule? For example have them consider…

*Babysitting—you can set your own hours when you’re available to work. What’s more, it’s easier to study for tests while the baby sleeps. Your teen just has to be right by the crib and alert to the child when he (or she) awakes.

*Lawn maintenance—-Saturday mornings is a good time to make some extra cash mowing lawns for neighbors. It’s also a good idea to approach widows and other elderly folks who need help with their landscapes. During the fall, there’s a great need for raking leaves. I know when my mom lived in western North Carolina, she was thankful for her yardman who also took care of her fall leaves.

*Pet sitting—-Suggest to your teen making business cards and advertising on bulletin boards in animal clinics. It’s not as involved as a part-time job in a store or restaurant.

Finally, when young people learn to work for themselves, they learn to be more disciplined with their time. This will help them when they do go off to college and have to balance school with all the other demands of campus life.